Summary of “It’s hard enough being me” essay

Ali Ahmed


ENG 1121 – D465

ā€œIt’s hard enough being meā€


In the essay “Itā€™s Hard Enough Being Me,” Anna Lisa Raya relates her experiences as Multicultural. She is both Mexican and Puerto Rican. She lives in El Soreno, a Mexican neighborhood in Los Angeles. When she first attended college in New York she discovered that she was defined as a Latina also she points out that a typical “Latina” must salsa dance, know Mexican history, and most importantly, speak Spanish. Her first year at college, she felt like she was a minority because Latinos always encounter discrimination. But people always tell her that she look like white or Asian. Her life was difficult because she wasn’t grow up in Mexico so she canā€™t speak Spanish. But Her mom made her life more difficult by refused her to learn spanish.

Anna heard about Nuyorican writing which faced same problem as her. And she was shocked because as latino do the same thing. Now she try to best for her by giving a advice from one of writer.