Ali Ahmed
ENG 1121 – D465
Student Survey
Free Write Essay
My name is Ali Ahmed. I am from Bangladesh and I have been in USA for five years.I always like to play video games and watch movies. My favorites foods are indian foods, especially Biryani. My first language is Bengali. When I was in Bangladesh, the word “English” was hard for me to pronounce and read. I started going to school in 9th grade which was Brooklyn International High School. I thought that I am blind because everything looked different to me. I was so upset and I really wanted to go home because nobody was there to talk with me. The process of learning English was first I learned the definition of each word, then I learned to pronounce the word. After than, I learned how to use the word in a sentence. And now I know how to speak and understand English which became my second language. This is my second semester of college and my major is Computer Science. My goals for this class are finish assignments on time, become good writer and get A. My goals for future are finished my bachelor degree, get a good job and help my parents.