Monthly Archives: February 2016

Response 5

“Learn from Las Vegas” Stephen Duncombe In the passage “Learn from Las Vegas”, Duncombe relates the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas to politics and the ideas of Progressives. Duncombe uses Las Vegas as an example of how the architects … Continue reading

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Response 5

“Learn from Las Vegas: Spectacular Vernacular” by Stephen Duncombe When I first started to read this particular essay, I didn’t really understand the point that Duncombe was trying to convey. After re-reading the essay, I began to come to a … Continue reading

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I made a connection with both Stephen Duncombe’s “Learn from Las Vegas” and Thomas Frank’s “Why Johnny Can’t Dissent” to Neil Postman’s “The Judgement of Thamus.” Postman discusses the conception of winners and losers. There are three quotes that I … Continue reading

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Response 5

“Learn from Las Vegas: Spectacular Vernacular”, by Stephen Duncombe The connection I made is with “The Medium is the Metaphor”, by Neil Postman, I found that Las Vegas can count as a medium just like Postman talks about. “Las Vegas … Continue reading

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Response 5

“Learn from Las Vegas: Spectacular Vernacular”, by Stephen Duncombe Connection: While reading this piece, I’ve made a connection to “The Medium Is the Metaphor”, by Neil Postman. There was a quote by Postman that stated that, “Each medium like language itself, … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative – Final

Meet My New Roommate, Technology

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Response 4

                              “For although culture is a creation of speech, it is recreated anew by every                       … Continue reading

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Response 4

Neil Postman, “The Medium is the Metaphor” “The shape of a man’s body is largely irrelevant to the shape of his ideas when he is addressing a public in writing or on radio, or for that matter, in smoke signals. … Continue reading

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Neil Postman’s, “The Medium is the Metaphor” “Physical reality seems to recede in proportion as man’s symbolic activity advances. Instead of dealing with the things themselves man is in a sense constantly conversing with himself. He has so enveloped himself … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative(Final Draft)

ENG1710-Tech-Lit narrative-Final draft

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Response 4

Neil Post, “The Medium Is the Metaphor” (Page 10) “A message denotes a specific, concrete statement about the world. But the forms of our media, including symbols through which they permit conversation, do not make such statements. They are rather … Continue reading

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Final Tech- Lit Narritive

Final tech lit narrative

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Tech-Lit Narrative (Project 1) Revised


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Response 4

Neil Postman “The Medium is the Metaphor” “For although culture is a creation of speech, it is recreated anew by every medium of communication” Literally:  This quote talks about how culture is something that was created when humans started to … Continue reading

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Tech Lit narrative

tech lit narrattive josh

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Revision plan

I plan to go over what I have written paragraph  by paragraph. I will take into consideration the comments Professor Leston left on my draft. When I check what I have written I will try to see if I cam … Continue reading

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Revision Plan

For my Tech-Lit Narrative paper, I plan to elaborate and give more examples of how the dynamics changed among my family. I stated that it changed, but I didn’t say how. I would like to incorporate some of the readings … Continue reading

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My Revision Plan

For my essay I plan to first finish and answer all questions according to the original assignment. Then I will take into consideration Prof. Leston’s suggestions and try to address any issues. After that I plan to read over the … Continue reading

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My revision plans

I have many aspects of my narrative that I need to revise before giving in my final product on Wednesday. My plans for revision start with thoroughly re-reading my draft and noting the things that I have to improve in … Continue reading

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My Revision Plan

I plan on making sure my paragraphs are coherent, consistent and that each paragraph leads into each other logically and accurately. While describing events in my childhood, in terms of growing activities I engaged in, I plan to be more … Continue reading

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Response #3

Neil Postman’s, “Media as Epistemology                                   ” Changes in the symbolic environment are like changes in the               … Continue reading

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Response #3

Neil Postman. “Media as Epistemology” “A similar paradox exist in Universities, and with roughly the same distribution of resonances; that is to say, there are few residual traditions based on the notion that speech is the primary carrier of truth.” … Continue reading

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Response 3

Neal Postman, “Media as Epistemology” “Truth does not, and never has, come unadorned, It must appear in its proper clothing or it is not acknowledged, which is a way of saying that the “truth” is a kind of cultural prejudice.” … Continue reading

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Neil Postman. “Media as Epistemology”                    “The concept of truth is intimately linked to the biases of forms of expression.” (Page 22)   Literally: This quote means depending on what type of … Continue reading

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Response 3

Neil Postman, “Media as Epistemology” (Page 17) “Epistemology is a complex and usually opaque subject concerned with the origins and nature of knowledge. The part of its subject matter that is relevant here is the interest it takes in definitions … Continue reading

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Lit-Tech Narrative

Draft of My Lit-tech narrative ENG1710-Lit-tech narrative

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Meet My New Roomate, Technology Incomplete

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Tech-Lit Draft

This is a draft it is not finished. I am sorry i didnt submit it before class.  tech lit narrative. SimoneH

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Technical Literature Narrative ( Project 1)

Abstract Technology can be considered one of the greatest inventions of all time. It allows us to do things at record speed and obtain information from various sources in the matter of minutes. Technology allows us to be in contact … Continue reading

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tech lit narrative

tech lit narrattive josh

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Abstract Digital technology is important in my life. My work explains my different experiences I have with technology as a kid and now. Throughout the years I have discovered why technology is important. I have compared my writing to a … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative (Project 1)

Tech-Lit Narrative (Project 1)

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Response 2

In chapter 2 “From Tools to Technocracy” Postman speaks about the science of cultures on their relation on technology, in other words connecting technological conditions to symbolic life. In this chapter Postman explains the timeline on technology has changed over … Continue reading

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Response 2

In Postman’s second chapter From Tools to Technocracy he goes deeper into the idea that technology changes culture and the way people see the world. The progression of this idea is broken up into three classifications tool-using culture, technocracies and … Continue reading

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Response 2

In “From Tools to Technocracy,” Neil Postman once again begins the chapter with the work of another author, Karl Marx, to establish his argument that technology can be a catalyst to determine how certain events develop within a society. It … Continue reading

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Response 2

In the postman essay he talks a lot about how technology can affect the cultures of society. He brings to light how many societies were tool driven with a emphasis on tools solving a urgent problem that would either make … Continue reading

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Response 2

In Postman’s second chapter “From Tools to Technocracy” of his essay “Technopoly,” Postman is beginning to go in depth about his views on technology and the effect technology has had on different types of societies. Postman describes and discusses three types … Continue reading

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response 2

In chapter two Postman talks about different scientist. He talks about why science is important. In the story the author talks about the three stages of development technology. Postman writes about characteristics of culture and the tools that symbolize culture. … Continue reading

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Response 2

In Postman’s essay, he begins by introducing three types of societies/cultures. The first one is the tool-using culture, the second is considered a technocracy and the third is called a technopoly. He goes on to say that each type of … Continue reading

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Response #1

The first chapter of Technopoly by Neil Postman talks about a king named Thamus and a god named Theuth. Theuth was the inventor of geometry, astronomy, calculation and writing.  He believed that writing wasn’t a main source for wisdom but … Continue reading

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Response 1

In the first chapter of Neil Postman’s Technopoly he gives a background into what he means behind the term. The first chapter contains a story called The Judgement of Thamus found in Plato’s Phaedrus. Thamus is a king of a … Continue reading

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Hello i am Joshua Vega, i am a Computer Systems Technology major. I chose this class because it seemed interesting to me, i hope to get along with everyone in the class. I plan to create Video games as a career, … Continue reading

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Response #1

In the first chapter of Neil Postman’s “Technopoly,” Postman uses references from one of Plato’s written stories known as Phaedrus, in order to prove an important point. Postman uses the reference of a character named Thamus who is the king … Continue reading

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response #1

The main argument Postman is making is that technology is important to children’s lives. The Postman thinks technology alters the things we think about. He feels new technology doesn’t change anything in the world and how we live. He asks … Continue reading

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Response# 1

In “the Judgement of Thamus,” Neil Postman uses Plato’s written work about King Thamus, as groundwork to break down how technological advances impacts a society, and how it alters that society on a social and intellectual way. The narrative is … Continue reading

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Response 1

While reading Postman’s essay, I’ve discovered several key points in his argument that creates his stance, and, what I believe to be his center of discussion. Postman uses the story of Thamus (a king from Upper Egypt), to disprove that … Continue reading

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Introduction to class

Hello classmates, My name is Briana Roldan, I am currently majoring in Technical and professional writing much like some  of you. I love writing and reading. I prefer to write during most of my free time and read during my … Continue reading

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Intro to Language and Technology

Hello, My name is Simone Haylett, I prefer to be called by my first name only . This is my first year in City Tech. When I started at City Tech,  I was a Liberal Arts and Sciences major but … Continue reading

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Introduction to Language and Technology

Hello! My name is Abigale Morris, but my family and close friends call me Abby. I’m also an Aries (if it counts). I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and I have family from South America and the Caribbean. I’ve … Continue reading

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My name is Jean Naubert, i am a current student in the PTW program. I am real excited and willing to learn different ways and terms on how to communicate ; whether it may be through technology. Last semester I … Continue reading

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My first semester at City Tech

My name is Winifred Durandys. I have my associate in applied science in retail merchandising from Kingsborough Community College. I came to City Tech to learn how to do some technical writing. This is my first semester.  

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Intro to Language & Technology

Hello, My name is Kimberly Jones. This is my first semester taking this course. This is not my first time at City Tech. I have received my Associates degree in Liberal Arts & Arts from City Tech as well. I … Continue reading

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Hi my name is Jess. This is my first blog post for Introduction to Language and Technology.  Can’t wait to explore the different ideas this class has to offer.

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