Monthly Archives: October 2015

In Class Blog

Part 1: Acts of activism can definitely be fun, especially when you are doing something that you are passionate about.  Look at the people from Claremont Road, who went to live on the streets and held street parties, lived their … Continue reading

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Length of Change

I find myself in a bit of a quagmire. I obviously see the logic in what we have been reading and also see the flaws with my own eyes in everyday life.  But I feel slightly hopeless. Is change going … Continue reading

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A Return to the Kingdom of Animals

I believe it is dangerous, naive, and irresponsible to eschew human membership in the animal kingdom. We have used technological advancement to differentiate ourselves from our fellow mammals by cultivating the environment for our purposes. We are able to express … Continue reading

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Writing Prompt

Yes, acts of activism can be fun. When we point out the corruption of companies or businesses, as well as make fun of some of the slogans they say which are often untrue, it can help to act against them … Continue reading

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In-Class Blog

Part 1: I believe enjoyment is truly gained from by people when they are invested in something that they are passionate about. Many people whom we come into contact with have been stripped away of their passions by daily capitalistic … Continue reading

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Writing Prompt

Writing prompt:  Think about the way that you detourned your slogans last class. Can acts of activism be fun? Absolutely, they’re a way to get creative and be unique while serving a greater purpose. Acts of activism reflect things we’re … Continue reading

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Warmup Post

I think that acts of activism can and in fact should be fun. In the piece we read by Jordan we see that people went out and had basically parties in the roads in order to set back the construction … Continue reading

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In Class Prompt

Acts of activism can be fun on many levels. Many of the things that I saw when I was doing searches on “detournemat” were jokes and things that made a solid point while also being quite humorous. Another example of … Continue reading

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Response 9- Phenomenon of BS jobs

I find myself more and more disillusioned with the modern economy.  I believe the American dream died decades ago.  The top 10% control most of the wealth and hypnotize us with products we don’t need.  What are we really working … Continue reading

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Response 9-On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs

Response to “On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs” by David Graeber This article raises many questions in my mind as to which jobs are real and which aren’t. My parents shed their blood and sweat to provide their families with … Continue reading

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Response 9- “On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs”

“On the Phenomenon of bullshit jobs” by David Graeber Graeber explains that many jobs we find are there just to keep us working but in the long run are unhelpful and unworthy of pursuing. They don’t benefit us in any … Continue reading

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The Art of Necessity: The Subversive Imagination of Anti-road Protest and Reclaim the Streets

“Direct action takes the alienated, lonely body of technocratic culture and transforms it into a connected, communicative body embedded in society. Taking part in direct action is a radical poetic gesture by which we can achieve meaningful change, both personal … Continue reading

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Response #9- Phenomenon of BS jobs

  David Graeber’s piece on the abundance of BS jobs puts forth the idea that half of the jobs we do don’t matter. The idea he proposes on the second page of the text ” The ruling class has figured … Continue reading

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Response 9

John Jordan details the events of Reclaim the Streets and I found it to be quite interesting. How it began with Claremont Road and after it was lost, continued with street parties on major roads in London. With Claremont Road, … Continue reading

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Issue Paper

Issue Paper

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Issue Paper

Phillip Issue Paper

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Issue Paper

The Stigmatization of the Mentally Ill

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Issue Paper

girl soldiers

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Issue Paper

sexual exploitation of children

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Issue Paper for Fall 2015

Issue Paper by Rownak C

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Issue Paper

Issue Paper

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Issue Paper

Issue Paper

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In Relation to Smith’s “White Anxiety: Rachel Dolezal, Dylann Roof and the Future of Race in America”

Hey guys check the video out! It’s a must see. White People Documentary on MTV

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In-Class Response

I got to do some research on my topic about Sexual Exploitation on Children while in class. I also started writing about a couple of paragraphs about some articles I found that I believe are essential to my paper. I … Continue reading

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In Class Response

I wasn’t able to get very much work done in just 40 minutes. I was able to access the databases and do a bit of research on my topic. Some of the information that I was able to find seems … Continue reading

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Conclusion of Class on Oct 19, 2015

I was able to work on my project for approximately twenty minutes after watching a portion of the video and having a class discussion on it after. Because I had read up on some of the sources which I am … Continue reading

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In class blog post

In class today I found a couple of sources to help with discussing the economic part of my topic. The part of the film we watched kind of had a connection with the project showing how much money moves around … Continue reading

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Response 8

1) “When you’re designed against, you know it” (Andreou). I believe this quote sets the tone for what the whole article is about as it describes how alienated the homeless may feel from being driven away by anti-homeless spikes. As … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8

On the last page of Alex Andreou’s article called “Anti-homeless spokes: ‘Sleeping rough opened my eyes to the city’s barbed cruelty” is a sentence stating “The rough sleeper’s bad fortune is intricately connected to someone else’s good fortune.” This sentence … Continue reading

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Response 8

Alex Andreou: ‘The Anti-homeless spikes: ‘Sleeping rough opened my eyes to the city`s barbed cruelty’ In Alex Andreou`s article, the Anti-homeless spikes: ‘Sleeping rough opened my eyes to the city`s barbed cruelty,’ Ocean Howell states “…you are not a member … Continue reading

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Response 7

In Frank’s article he explains that in society people can no longer rebel against the system because all the advertising that is geared towards us is encouraging us to do so. How could we possibly do what we want and … Continue reading

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Response 8

I was walking home recently and noticed an older homeless man sitting at his usual spot. I must passed him dozens of times this year and was aware of him, but I never paid him any real attention. However, one … Continue reading

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Response 7 update

Just Do It® is the Nike advertisement slogan which catapulted the company into becoming the behemoth of the athletic-apparel industry during the 1990s (Wikipedia). Who can forget the famous Red Bull slogan, “Red Bull gives you wings”, as a daredevil … Continue reading

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Response 8

“Poverty exists as a parallel, but separate, reality. City planners work very hard to keep it outside our field of vision. It is too miserable, too dispiriting, too painful to look at someone defecating in a park or sleeping in … Continue reading

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Response 8

1. “”When you’re designed against, you know it””, says Ocean Howell, who teaches architectural history at the University of Oregon, speaking about anti-skateboarding designs. “Other people might not see it, but you will. The message is clear; you are not … Continue reading

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Response 7 (The Sequel)

1) Thomas Frank ponders on “why Johnny can’t dissent”, and Johnny being us , the us that says no to social normjis and refuse to coonform can’t dissent because “dissent” has been absorbed by American business. To rebel to go … Continue reading

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Response 8

Anti-homeless spikes “If some take more than they need, others go without. We obsessively focus on the external: carbon emissions, recycling, charity work, social security, saving the snow leopard — all of them excellent goals– while doggedly refusing to look inwards … Continue reading

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Response 7

1)To understand the article I first had to define dissent. According to the Cambridge Online Dictionary, dissent is “a strong difference of opinion on a particular subject, especially about an official suggestion or plan or a popular belief.” Thomas Frank … Continue reading

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Response 8

“We curse the destitute for urinating in public spaces with no thought about how far the nearest free public toilet might be. We blame them for their poor hygiene without questioning the lack of public facilities for washing.” This quote … Continue reading

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Response #8

1. Anti Homeless Spikes “You were allowed to take your poverty on tour. But engineering work put a stop to that.” This quote pretty much sums up the article for me basically saying it used to be okay to be homeless … Continue reading

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Response 7

The article “Why Johnny Can’t Dissent” delves into the issue of rebellion and how it correlates to corporations. The counterculture or he idea of rebellion and “going against the man” have been around of years. The people who do it … Continue reading

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Response 7

1) Thomas Frank’s thesis is that businesses have changed in the way they advertise. Instead of conveying a sense of “conformity” (which was used in the past), they want consumers to feel that they can be different. This “difference” (otherwise known as counterculture) … Continue reading

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Response 7

Thomas Frank- “Why Johnny Can`t Dissent.” Frank`s thesis is that corporations use capitalism to get everybody to be the same by being the reason for us wanting “never-ending self-fulfillment.” Tom Peters calls the world we live in “A World Turned … Continue reading

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Response 7

After reading the piece I think the reason Johnny can’t dissent is obvious. The corporations that we would want to rebel against are actually encouraging us to do so. We want to be ourselves to fight the system but the … Continue reading

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Response # 7 (edited)

Why can’t Johnny dissent? Dissent: to publicly disagree with an official opinion, decision, or set of beliefs (as defined by Merriam-Webster) “Now the realization the nothing threatens the system has freed advertising o exploit even the most marginal elements of society” … Continue reading

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Response 7

Just Do It® is the Nike advertisement slogan which catapulted the company into becoming the behemoth of the athletic-apparel industry during the 1990s (Wikipedia). Who can forget the famous Red Bull slogan, “Red Bull gives you wings”, as a daredevil … Continue reading

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Response 7

The reason Johnny can’t dissent is because “dissent” has been absorbed by American business. To rebel to go against is in the sense what’s “in” now and business’ intend to capitalize on it. American corporations encourage us to change to … Continue reading

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Exploratory Project


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Exploratory Paper Final

I found using the databases to be relatively easy. The main problem was culling the relevant sources. It was a eye opening experience. My topics were on police use of body cameras, the digital divide, and vouchers for housing in … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

Rownak C Exploratory Paper The process which I went through in completing this assignment required of me to find the proper sources first. I knew what I wanted to write about, but was still quite unsure of how to properly … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

Exploratory Paper_ENG1710 My topics of interest for this paper are: 1. Stem cell research 2. Stigmatizing mental illness 3. Identity theft and identity fraud I gathered most of my information from primarily EBSCO and I attempted to draw some insight through medical journals/articles … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

The three topics I chose were the Common Core State Standards that have been implemented in forty-two states, rape culture, and body shaming in the media. The hardes part of this process was picking sources and using them correctly. Exploratory Paper

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Exploratory Paper

The process I went through mainly consisted of doing picking a topic and doing the research for each of them. Once note taking was done, I moved on to discussing the topics. My topics were about capital punishment, stigma in … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

Exploratory Paper   Exploratory Paper Edit   The process that I went through writing this paper was a difficult one as you know, After first not really using my sources in a productive way, I found it a bit challenging … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

I started my project searching for sources on 3 completely different topics from the ones my paper is actually on. Due to difficulties finding reliable sources I abandoned my topic on the Palestinian And Jewish Unity and switched my research … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper

My process was not very long. I first discovered what I would use as topics, then I did extensive research on the topics chosen. After that, I pinpointed what websites could be good enough to cite. Finally, I tried figuring out what I … Continue reading

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Response 7 + Exploratory Paper

The process that I went to in order to write the Exploratory Paper was mostly choosing the three topics that I wanted to write about, getting information off of EBSCO and LEXISNEXUS through the library database, to incorporate quotes into … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper Draft

I clearly completed and posted the wrong assignment. I have some catching up to do regarding which sources to utilize. I didn’t know how to access the scholarly journals, but I’ve since received instructions on how to do so. A … Continue reading

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Exploratory Paper Draft

So far, I believe I have found enough information to discuss the three social justice issues that I have chosen. I mostly used sources from reliable journalistic sites, though I did find several academic ones from Ebsco as well. This draft only … Continue reading

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