Writing Prompt

Writing prompt: 

Think about the way that you detourned your slogans last class. Can acts of activism be fun?

Absolutely, they’re a way to get creative and be unique while serving a greater purpose. Acts of activism reflect things we’re passionate for and want to change or to help build up. They show support for movements we identify with and remixing popular slogans and campaigns is a great way to do it.

What is the role that enjoyment should play in the work that we go through in our daily lives? Why?

“If you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life”. This phrase to me totally captures this idea, you should always love and be passionate about the work you involve yourself in. If you don’t care about the work or it’s outcome not only will the work lack content, it is also a huge waste of your time and potential to be involved in.

In what ways is enjoyment stripped from our daily lives?

Well for one we’re often told we have to do things. We’re told we have to pay taxes, we have to vote, we have to go to work, we have to get an education. While we may have pursuits along these avenues that we do enjoy the overall sentiment is you have to get this done. Nobody tells us we have to go hiking, go to the beach or sleep until noon. Enjoyment is stripped from us by conformity, by regulation and by a system that generations constant need for work. Albeit not always productive, but work nonetheless.


Part 2

Explain what you learned that you may be able to take into your final project and future work in general.

Well I’ve learned that effective activism is not marches and letters, its unique and expressive bursts of protest that shy away from the norm. Dancing in the streets, planting trees, playing chess are not your typical forms of rebellion. When you think of rebellion it seems angry and harsh. Here I’ve learned that it should be fun, enjoyable and passionate. There should be method to what you’re doing, a goal and a change you wish to see maybe but approach it without glasses of conformity. When I start my final project I will start but looking at something about the machine of the society we live in that bothers me, boggles me or just downright angers me then take something that supports or represents it and remix it into the changes I want to see.

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