Monthly Archives: September 2015

Exploratory Draft

So far, I have been able to find sources for my topics and have a general idea of what the paper will consist of. The draft basically introduces each topic and what I’ll be discussing throughout. I’ll be doing some … Continue reading

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Exploratory Draft

exploratory draft

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Response 6 + Exploratory Paper draft

So far, the exploratory paper is going great. I believe that I have some good resources on my three topics since I got all of them off the library database mainly EBSCO and LEXISNEXUS. Hopefully, as I revise the draft … Continue reading

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Response #6- Exploratory Paper, Draft

Samantha Pezzolanti_Exploratory notes So far research on my topics have been going well. I’ve used mainly the data bases like Gale and EBSCO to gather reputable information however I have consulted and looked through a bunch of online articles and … Continue reading

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Response 6

I find myself a little torn between both authors, Postman and McLuhan, as I can identify with both “The Medium is the Metaphor” and “The Medium is the Message”. It is clear, to me, there is some truth in McLuhan … Continue reading

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Response 5

“In other words, there was considerable diversity in the forms of protest and in the shape of the occupations. But what is clear is the fast spread of the movement throughout the entire geography of the country: Mosier, Oregon, population … Continue reading

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Response 5

Response 5 While reading Mumford’s, The Automation of Knowledge, I found that there were two passages that connected, and stood out to me. “Shall we, in other words, restore man to his central position as the actor and director in … Continue reading

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Response 5

Manuel Castells: “Occupy Wall Street” “We demand that Barack Obama ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington. It’s time for DEMOCRACY NOT CORPORATOCRACY, we’re doomed without it.” Literally: With President Barack … Continue reading

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Response 5

Manuel Castells: Occupy Wall Street: Harvesting The Salt Of The Earth “It`s time for DEMOCRACY NOT CORPORATOCRACY, we`re doomed without it.” (Castells 160) Literally: This passage is literally saying that it is time that the people who make up the … Continue reading

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Response 5

Manuel Castells: “Occupy Wall Street” “A worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics is underway right now that bodes well for the future. [There is a] spirit of this fresh tactic, a fusion of with the acampadas of Spain. The beauty of … Continue reading

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Response 5

Castells– Occupy Wall Street was born digital. The cry of outrage and the call to occupy came from various blogs, and was posted on Facebook and spread by Twitter….In a telling comment, Ezra Klein wrote in The Washington Post: “It’s … Continue reading

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Response 5

Lewis Mumford: “The Automation of Knowledge” “When our translation of organic and human aptitudes into their system-controlled mechanical counterparts has fully taken place, man will have lost the full use of even his physical organs. There are areas in this … Continue reading

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Response #5- Mumford & Castells

Castells- Occupy Wall Street Literally This reading covers the birth and progression of the occupy wall street movement. It notes several key factors in the formation and evolution of the movement as well as the fundamentals that allowed it to … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday no longer “owned”

Hey guys, I found this article (just baiting me to click it) pretty Interesting. It relates to “The Corporation” documentary we’re watching in class. If you remember in the documentary it states that “happy birthday” was owned and collected money … Continue reading

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Response 4

Media as Epistemology, a chapter from Neil Postman’s book which discusses the significance in every medium of communication and our shift over the centuries from finding truth orally to written to published to television. Zapatismo And The Global Origins OF … Continue reading

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Response 4

Throughout all of our readings we have seen how media affects all of us. In Postman’s “Media as Epistemology” he talks about the fact that a lot of of the things we view on television is junk but he is … Continue reading

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To start off, I will link the common thread between all of the pieces. Through all four pieces, there is a common thought that the tool or form of technology that is used to convey a point may have an affect … Continue reading

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Response 4

The reading of the three essays along with the documentary The Corporation, the recurring theme seemed to be communication through media and getting at the truth in its totality. Postman’s “Media as Epistemology” resonates or echoes McLuhan’s “Reversal of the … Continue reading

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Response 4

In Nail`s essay, Zapatismo and the Global Origins of Occupy, he mentions a French philosopher by the name of Alain Badiou. Badiou talks about there not being a “system in place to challenge party divisions or the party system itself…L` … Continue reading

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Response 4

While reading these three essays and remembering the film The Corporation, I couldn’t help but notice this singular theme of communication which permeates them. At first, it isn’t particularly clear how Nail’s essay on the Occupy Wall Street movement and … Continue reading

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Response 4

Neil Postman in “Media as Epistemology” claims that every medium of communication has resonance. Resonance is, according to Northrop Fryes, created once “a particular statement in a particular context acquires a universal significance” (Postman 17). However as Postman claims, resonance … Continue reading

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Firstly let me say i had to define resonance to really be able to connect these pieces. Resonance is defined as : the quality of a sound that stays loud, clear, and deep for a long time. Or : a … Continue reading

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Response 4

In Mcluhan’s “Reversal of the Overheated Medium,” he brings up a point of how commodities are assuming the role of information, which is what Postman says about TV in “Media as Epistemology.” Television is how people are beginning to get most … Continue reading

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Tech-Lit Narrative

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Lit-Tech Narrative

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Tech- Lit Narrative

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Lit-Tech Narrative

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Tech-Lit Narrative

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Tech Narrative

I realize I made an error and posted the paper as a blog.  I’ve now attached it as a Word document.Michael Phillip tech narrative

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Lit Tech Narrative


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Tech Lit Narrative

Tech-Lit Narrative

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Tech-Lit Narrative

Tech-Lit Narrative

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Response 3

Postman defines Technopoly as “…the submission of all forms of cultural life to the sovereignty of technique and technology….” (Postman 52). He is referring to the loss of cultural ancestry, customs, and beliefs of a society prior to the adoption … Continue reading

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Response 3

Response 3 Postman explains that America had become a “technopoly;” a technopoly is a categorization of a culture that technology, particularly: inventions to make like seem easier, more productive, less confrontational (not participatory,) providing an answer to all questions asked—specifically … Continue reading

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Response Post #3

Postman states that Technopoly is that “human life must find its meaning in machinery and technique.” (Postman, 52) Individuals went from believing in a God that created everything to not believing in one at all or questioning what his reasons … Continue reading

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Response 3

The basic principle of technopoly, as stated in Neil Postman’s writing, is that technique of any kinds can do our thinking for us. Technocracy requires much less commitment from the people of a society. Technopoly has technology as the center … Continue reading

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Response 3

In Postman’s “From Technocracy to Technopoly,” he explores the transition that, as discussed in the previous chapter, created more of a focus on technology in regards to society. While in a technocracy tools become the central point of culture, in … Continue reading

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Response 3

In “From Technocracy to Technopoly” Postman describes the differences as he views them between the 2 eras. He sees Technopoly being an almost full on overtaking by machines and technology. Before in a Technocracy, the inventions and technology built were … Continue reading

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Response #3

Postman identifies Henry Ford’s emergence as the shift to technopoly. Noting that technopoly did away with the co existence of two thought worlds tradition vs. technology that had lived in technocracy. With technopoly the focus was on efficiency and making … Continue reading

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Response 3

In “From Technocracy to Technopoly” postman discusses how mankind began using knowledge to further progress as a society through machines and eventually allowed ourselves to be completely subdued by technology. in a technocracy the ideology of Francis Bacon began to … Continue reading

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Response Number 3

I feel that there are many aspects to the concept of a Technopoly that Postman speaks about. One of which is that the aim of Technopoly is to make all aspects of work a sort of science. To remove the … Continue reading

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Response 3

From what Postman described, a Technopoly is the point we reached where machinery and technology has become more valuable and efficient than a human can be. It’s where we disregard the effects any future inventions may have, as long as … Continue reading

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Response #2

1. Quote the passage and make sure to cite the page number. Page #25 “Tool-Using Cultures, then, may have many tools or few,may be enthusiastic about tools or contemptuous. The name “tool-using culture” derives from the relationship in a given … Continue reading

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Response 2

“All of them to the end, clung to the theology of their age. They would surely not have been indifferent to knowing when the Last Judgement would come, and they could not have imagined the world without God. Moreover, the … Continue reading

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Response 2

While reading Postman’s Technopoly, I found the following passage from the second chapter, “From Tools to Technocracy”, to resonant with me: All of them, to the end, clung to the theology of their age. They would surely not have been … Continue reading

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Response 1

1) My name is Michael Phillip; I’m a 35-year-old electrical engineer returning to school to scratch an itch. I recently began writing poetry and found a joy I didn’t know existed. I want to develop my poetry and overall writing … Continue reading

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Response 2

“Cultures may be classified into three types: tool-using cultures, technocracies, and technopolies. At the present time, each type may be found somewhere on the planet, although the first is rapidly disappearing: we must travel to exotic places to find a … Continue reading

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Response 2

Response 2 “In a technocracy, tools play a central role in the thought-world of he culture. Everything must give way, in some degree, to their development. The social and symbolic worlds become increasingly subject to the requirements of that development. … Continue reading

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Response 2

“In any case, theological assumptions served as a controlling ideology, and whatever tools were invented had, ultimately, to fit within that ideology. We may say, further, that all tool-using cultures—from the technologically most primitive to the most sophisticated—are theocratic or, … Continue reading

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Response 2

“Given the facts, we must conclude that tool-using cultures are not necessarily impoverished technologically, and may even be surprisingly sophisticated. Of course, some tool-using cultures were (and still are) technologically primitive, and some have even displayed a contempt for crafts … Continue reading

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Response 2

1- “But the refinements of the telescope made their knowledge so precise that there followed a collapse, if one may say it this way, of the moral center of gravity in the West. That moral center had allowed people to … Continue reading

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Response 2

“Whereas men had traditionally looked to Heaven to find authority, purpose, and meaning, the Sleepwalkers (As Arthur Koestler called Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo) looked not to Heaven but to the heavens. There they found only mathematical equations and geometric patterns. … Continue reading

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Response Number 2

1. “It leads to my second qualification. As the spirit of Thamus reminds us, tools have a way of intruding on even the most unified set of cultural beliefs. There are limits to the power of both theology and metaphysics, … Continue reading

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Response 1

1) Hey guys, my name is Christopher Navarrete and I am currently in my 3rd semester. I recently changed my major to professional and technical writing because I realized how much I truly enjoy writing from my time in previous … Continue reading

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Response 1

Hello folks, My name is Rownak Choudhury. As many of you know, I was a part of this class in the prior semester. I had to leave due to some personal reasons. I realize that there are some changes which … Continue reading

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Response 1

Hey guys! So my name is Folayemi Akinbolaji, Fola for short. I was born in New York City but my parents are from Nigeria so that is also my home. I have three sisters and we are all very much … Continue reading

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Response 1

1. Hello, my name is Jordan. I was born and raised in New York, so the city holds a very special place in my heart. I’m a huge basketball and football fan and just in general love the competition that … Continue reading

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Response 1

1) My name is Naveeda Akhtar. I am 19 years old and from Pakistan. I love to read, and in my spare time, I like to write short stories and poems about the world around me. I`m taking this class … Continue reading

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Response 1

Hello, my name is George Gordon. I’m currently in the Professional and Technical Writing major which is why I am taking this class. I’m hoping to learn better writing skills and broaden my knowledge of writing as a whole. Upon … Continue reading

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Response 1

1. Hello all! I’m Ahmad Ali,  and I’m a computer engineering student here at City Tech. I have a wide variety of interests, ranging from the seemingly obvious, such as diagnosing and repairing computers, to reading and writing poetry. I … Continue reading

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