Monthly Archives: April 2015

Project Ideas

1. Create a art piece that focuses on the way creativity is encouraged from early childhood development to college (using a canvas) 2. A picture collage of images/words on my blog 3. A screen shot/photo-collage that grades the types of … Continue reading

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Electracy Project Ideas

1. Examine and take apart the abstract ideas of early dadaist artwork. How did their ideas surpass the contemporary work of their time. And how did they lay the groundwork for major ideas expressed in electracy. 2. The rise of … Continue reading

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Project Proposal Ideas

Create a “flipgram” or some sort of time lapse that showcases how electracy has moved into where we are all now by making censorship less of an ethical issue and more of an awareness issue. In this project graphic, punctum … Continue reading

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Project Ideas

-People express themselves through pictures and videos that are shared globally instead of having pictures shared through the old fashion way of printed photos. -businesses requires you to have a smart phone to get sales or be involved within their … Continue reading

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Internet Project Proposals

Commenting Commenting is an internet phenomenon I see frequently.  We have become very dependant and even addicted to commenting.  Whether we want to buy a product or see a movie, there is a tendency to check the comments first.  If … Continue reading

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Inspired by Arroyo

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Blog Post 8

“All of that said, however I am certain that the study of video culture within the framework of electric has a bright future. It is least then to end the way Participatory Composition began: embed. like. share. comment. check in. … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8

“I remember asking students to buy zip disk and CDs to turn in “hard” copies of their multimedia work.  By turning in a video, for example, as a hard copy, it has not life beyond the professor’s computer, and thus, … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8

Quote” In a society that condemns people who opt to end their own suffering, how can we expect those experiencing such an extreme degree of pain (whether psychic, physical, or both) that they can’t bear the thought of remaining alive … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8

“As Ulmer has relentlessly argued, electracy is still in its infancy, so the practices with which we engage will continue to change and morph. We are just beginning to grapple with the cultural effects of video culture, and, as I … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8

In Arroyo’s final chapter I came across a few brilliant ideas that sent my mind racing across a range of ideas that break down her writing from a literate to a speculative meaning. “Both of these works show, first, how … Continue reading

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“Thanks Obama” Buzzfeed Video

“Thanks Obama” originated as a sarcastic phrase used by Republicans to blame President Obama for the troubles and inconveniences on public policies supported or enacted by the administration. The original poster is of a young girl making a “middle finger” gesture with the caption “Thanks, … Continue reading

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Internet sensation- 3-year-old Mateo

Kids say the darnest things? Absolutely 100% true! Last March, 3 year old Mateo went viral after video showing an adorable convincing exchange with mom as to why he should have cupcakes for dinner. He goes on to call his mother … Continue reading

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I would have defined electracy, before having read Sarah Arroyo, as the communication of human emotion and ideas through new electronic methods. Taking the concepts of “Orality” and “Literacy” and looking at the literal word “electracy” it was easy to make … Continue reading

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The rise and fall of Dan Brown

About five years ago a youtuber named Dan Brown set off to conduct a grand experiment. For one year of his life, all decisions (expect those that would harm his health or any relationships with his loved ones) would be … Continue reading

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Jerome Jarre – Vine Phenomenon

Jerome Jarre is a Vine sensation with almost 8 million follower which ranks him in the top 4 of all Vine participants. He has also been ranked the first ever Snapchat celebrity. Almost everyone that has some form of social … Continue reading

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Before&After Arroyo

Before Before reading Arroyo’s interpretation of electracy I would have defined this concept as perhaps as the way we formulate and learn via the internet and other digital sources or outlets. Before Arroyo, I was not quite sure what electracy … Continue reading

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Blog Post 9

Bobby Shmurda, real name Ackquille Jean Pollard is an American rapper from Brooklyn. He is best known for his song “Hot Nigga”, which was released in July 2014 a song that debuted the “Shmoney dance,” which went viral after the release … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8

Before reading Arroyo, I would define electracy as a fancy word for the internet. The internet being electrified, full of power.  The internet where we communicate globally through the use of machines. We are around electracy everyday and it is … Continue reading

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Electracy – Before and After

Before reading Sarah’s “Participatory Composition – Video Culture, Writing, and Electracy”, I thought “electracy” was related to electricy literacy but with the addeded technology of literacy making it  electracy.  The reason why I thought this is because it also reminded me … Continue reading

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