Blog Post 8

“I remember asking students to buy zip disk and CDs to turn in “hard” copies of their multimedia work.  By turning in a video, for example, as a hard copy, it has not life beyond the professor’s computer, and thus, aside from the actual production of the video, does not actualize in a dynamic space.  However, when the technology to upload, download, share, link, and embed video became available, suddenly the participatory element thrived.” (121)

Literally: Literally, this piece is saying that an actual zip or video does not give the work life.  It is only when the work can be used beyond the disk such as in viewing it, sharing it, and even constructing/deconstructing it in some other form or another, does it become alive.  It allows both the person turning in the work and the professor or those viewing the work, the opportunity to develop and participate in the work.  The the work becomes a transformed piece and begins to thrive.

Intellectually:  This makes me think how things have changed.  It is now quite acceptable to use videos to make an even greater impact on what we produce. With the advancements in technology, we are more creative and finding more intellectually creative in ways to expand on our abilities and express ourselves.

Emotionally:  The makes me think that we are not alone when we decide to share what each person creates.  We create for the feedback and the participation. Each person not only reads something but actually puts a piece of them self into the work to add to a whole and find a space for it to reside in.

Speculatively:  I believe that in next 10 years we will all be posting every aspect of our lives and that may be the most important part of us.  We will be judged based upon our digital personality and character.  Maybe even like a type of avatar that personifies us.


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