Blog Post 8

Quote” In a society that condemns people who opt to end their own suffering, how can we expect those experiencing such an extreme degree of pain (whether psychic, physical, or both) that they can’t bear the thought of remaining alive to suffer any longer to come forward and seek help? After all, we’re constantly  bombarded by reinforcement through media, pedagogy, and religious institution that suicide is not only a crime, it is also a sin– and an unforgivable one at that.” page 135

Literally: This quote explains how the media has corrupt our minds and expanded the gap between how individuals view a problem ethically and unethically. How do we advocate to the individuals who are suffering psychological problems to come fort and express themselves in a safe space that will save their lives. That brings me to ask “how do we begin to reshape the views that the media has managed to conjure up?”

Intellectually: From an intellectual perspective, I am forced to think about such psychological problems rationally. Their is something disturbingly wrong with the way human society communicates with one another or the lack their of communication. Individuals respectfully should be able to communicate about the problems they face without judge from one another. However, given the approaches we have taken in history- it unfortunately separates us.

Emotionally: This quote emotionally impacts the way I feel about life ending and euthanasia. It is increasingly frowned upon. For some reason humanity does not condone, one deciding to take their lives and have someone assist in that process. Is it selfish to say that one who believes that their lives cannot go on and make the decision to end their lives how heavily that impacts their families. It brings me great sadness that in a world so connected, or feel so connected, that it much easier to die than to live another day.

Speculatively: With the rise in the amount of platforms made available through Social Media today, the mediums that one has to voice their opinions are endless. I believe that the rise in suicide will decrease. I believe this to be true because people are learning to come together and the things that once separated us  are bringing us together. We can only move forward through creating a safe space for individuals to feel self love and one way to achieve that may be through Art Therapy. Art therapy will give them the medium to express themselves.

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