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Category: Portfolio & Reflection (Page 2 of 4)

Final Portfolio and Reflection

Jade Wearing

Eng 1101-OL10

Professor Edelson

Final Reflection and Portfolio

Wow, to look back at the work I did I am so very proud of myself to come a long way and doing whatā€™s write. Even though I have completed my work, there are revisions I think that can still be made. For my Unit 1 project, I think I could’ve had went more in dept with the personal experiences I chose to represent how my view on education came to be and elaborated more on it. I donā€™t think I expressed my experiences clearly enough to get the best response intended from the purpose of the project. For my unit 2 project, I think I couldā€™ve had expressed more of my opinions towards the articles and video I selected to write about and expressed more of how it made me feel and how the information and the writing, the way the information and thoughts were expressed to me, really made a huge major impact. I donā€™t think that my voice towards the article and the video was enough so I think I couldā€™ve had went a little bit deeper into it.

This semester had a lot of ups and downs for me and it was kind of a bit too much to handle for me. I first came into this semester with the mindset of a person that is looking to succeed in all his classes with all Aā€™s, then ended the semester off as a person that is just looking to pass all of his classes and to just get it over with. When it comes to my classes, this class was like the main class and I was struggling in and falling behind on. I was really stressed out, mostly towards the end of the semester because I had to worry about all my finals for all my classes and the work I had to make up because I put myself in that predicament by till waiting last minute. I learned a lot of new things such as life lessons such as to donā€™t wait to last minute to do things, especially school, and it order to get what you really want, you have to put your mind to it and put in the work needed to succeed. Even though I kind of waited last minute to do my assignments, I still learned a lot about me and about my writing. One major thing I learnt that, even though I have all these thoughts and ideas in my mind, I donā€™t really know how to express it by writing so now I know what to really work on and improve on. My favorite assignment that I worked on this semester for this class was the unit 2 project and that is because I had the chance to write about something that I really love and something that I am very passionate about. Gaming will always mean a lot to me where it was always in my life, is in my life, and will always be in my life. I also learned that my favorite types of writing are personal narratives as where I can dig deep in personal experiences that I can write and express a lot about. Overall, this semester, which was my first semester of college, was a lot for me and was really an eye opener where I really need to get my stuff together. Iā€™ve learned a lot and the lessons I learnt are lessons I will never forget and will definitely incorporate them in my life.

Final Portfolio and Reflections

Oh boy where do I start? I have to say even though I always struggled with English class this time it was not as bad. Stuck my big toe in the water and was not bad. I laugh because when I transfer to City Tech the person that was helping me pick my classes they ask the simple questions Ā  “What classes do you want to take?” “What do I need?” “Um Ms. Garcia did you take English 1101?” “Sorry it has been 10 years what is that?” “it is your first year of college English, seems like you took English 2 but not 1” I know one might question how did that happen? I don’t know but I am happy It did. It gave me the insight that I needed. I feel like a first timer in college. Also even though, we did not have a class per-say, I still was able to make friends in class. If I needed help I can shoot over an email or an instagram message and we were chatting. Aren’t those the best friendships the ones that are unexpected?

The website also did not catch my heart in the beginning because I am private, I do not want people to read my work. What if it is bad? are people going to judge me? but I warmed up to it because it is a judge-free zone. Compassion and empathy because you have no idea what it is to remove yourself from your comfort zone and say hello I am here as me. Some can do it but not many can. Thats okay. After reading about John Lewis and the James Baldwin documents, you need to be corrugation, we have a right to express ourself and learn– set provers for the ones that follow us. We also have to make those proud that made their good troubles for us. I always think about Mrs. Silvas my 5th grader teacher I spoke about in Unit 1. I think I would have made her proud, continuing to better myself and not stoping from making my own good troubles. I would never understand the 50 jumping jacks but I sure wouldn’t forget them. (haha)


Thank you Professor– Hope we meet one day in person through the halls.


Major Assignment Portfolio & Reflection

Briana Dobra

ENG 1101Ā 

Final Portfolio & Reflection


This semester has reigned as one of the hardest things I had to go through. In my first narrative, I stated ā€œOne large event, or many small events, can impact the way a student reacts towards the education system, and can aid a hand in the way they may continue their education in the near future.ā€ I found this to be more true than ever. Personally speaking, there were several large events that took place within the last few months that broke my spirit. It made me rethink everything that I was doing until I remembered that I had also saidĀ  ā€œWe must not hold on to the bad things in life, and learn to not only try to understand others, but yourself as well.ā€ This helped me remain hopeful. I learned that although difficulty may strike, I will make it out on the other end. This may be helpful for others to understand, as I know it was for my family and I. In accordance with mental health, the unit 2 project was my favorite. I was grateful to research a topic that I was interested, rather than being forced to learn about. I learned several things regarding mental health, how it ties into quarantine and the pandemic, and how those signs and symptoms may look. I wanted my assignment to have different ways of reaching my audience, whether it was through reading medical journals, watching a video, or reading poetry. I’d like to think there was something in my assignment for everyone. I believe my writing improved as I continued on with my assignments. I also figured out that research and writing can’t be rushed. There are soĀ many elements that go into completing oneā€™s research and assignments, that one should give themselves enough time to finish it, as it can be overwhelming. Notably, a lesson I realized after my assignments is that everyone is going through something. ā€œThe statistics in this article show many people ended up with PTSD, depressive disorders, acute anxiety, as well as several other mental illnesses.ā€ Understanding the statistics, and seeing how many people are suffering gives you more empathy and understanding with others, which may be one of the most important lessons of all. ThisĀ  semester is what seemed to be a never ending downpour of tragic events, and I didnā€™t think Iā€™d make it to the end of the semester, but Iā€™m glad I have an incredibly supportive sister that helps me get through anything. Support systems are important in life. Iā€™ve learned a lot about who I am as a daughter, cousin, friend, and student. Iā€™ll be able to apply everything Iā€™ve learned to future classes, and future readings/writings. Iā€™ll spread all the knowledge Iā€™ve gained through this class to others in need.

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