As I continue to go through life even now, my thinking process about education continues to evolve. One of the key reasons for this is that the way we learn continues to evolve and improve, for better or worse. Throughout modern society , education is continuously evolving and being able to learn will benefit you in so many different ways. Based on what kind of education you need, the skills people learn seem to benefit you, people or society in general. As my life continues, I have always been advised that multiple paths exist and the need for different forms of education is required to build multiple paths as society develops. My educational thought process was that if you wanted to learn or research something different, whether it would support you now or later in the future, it would reward you. I’m going to share the moment I knew what kind of school I was going to attend. I always thought that this was necessary because there are special things in certain high schools that are peculiar to them and For other big options, act as a little experience.


I always hated education i, i felt like it’s useless and that its not that important when i was a child.Sometimes education can be really hard and at that time i couldn’t handle it and i couldn’t focus on anything.I became less interested in what they would think about my future as time went on, and they then started to note the lack of work I had offered. All of this led them to doubt me just as any other person would have. Through my research, I became less inspired because of the fact that although I was trying to find my own, I have to follow their own dreams. For me, what they had in mind was not what I wanted for i kept doing my research and think about what i want to do in the future and what major or things that will inspire,something that i won’t get bored of easily and something i would be really happy to do and enjoy at the same.even if it needs time and working late and hard,as long as i really love it im going to be fine.It took some time for me to find out myself and what I really wanted in life. This opened me up to more people’s perspectives about what seemed to them a successful job, what was just a casual conversation was really a really interesting one for me, really a very helpful one. I heard about numerous career paths that could make me much more competitive than they had in mind. I started to open up to other influences and picked up on small suggestions they would put in once in a while.At the first i wanted to be in a military army but then i changed my mind when i took others opinion saying that i’m a girl and that they don’t accept women and that they only accept nurses which made it really difficult for me to think about something else to do.After couple years i thought about it and i wanted to be a pharmacist but then my only problem that i really hate science and i didnt want to study something i really hate because then i won’t be able to succeed in it or be able to focus.At year 9 to 10 i realized that i’m pretty good at math and i really love it and enjoy solving some equations and geometry so i did my research and thought that an architecture would really suit me and that it be really perfect for me so i didn’t hesitate and i told my counselor about my plan and she put me in my math classes and some other classes that go along with architecture engineer.


I didn’t like teachers that give alot of work because i dont have time and i still got other classes to do and so goes with the teachers they also have other classes to grade but it would have been easier for us students and them teachers to give less work so that everyone could finish the=ir work on time and do their job without any stress.I always focused in sending my work early and on time so that i won’t fail any of my classes i really focused on what i wanted to do in future and i have a big hope that i’m going to do great and dont be lazy or give up on work,but still i couldn’t just not admit that the work that they give us could be really hard and unexplainable however i always try my best to get the work done even its wrong at least i tried my best and never gave my teacher a blank assignment .


It was my first taste of what education could bring and the avenues it could bring as I dealt with that experience. Education is a journey no matter how you put it and it can take several forms, it gives us all the opportunity to learn or accomplish something fresh and add to who we are and something we really enjoy.