While reading Mike Rose’s “I Just Wanna Be Average” one thing I found interesting was although Mike is used to speaking a different language he adapts to the curriculum fairly well. He is also able to see the struggles of the other students mainly due to the harsh learning environment with terrible instructors. Since Mike isn’t from that environment he is able to clearly distinguish that their teaching style is flawed and is failing most of the students. A few things I found similar were that Jamila was also faced with people who judged her for her differences and how just because she is from a different culture doesn’t mean that she retains information different from them. She further explains how when people who here her talk informally or in her language judge her and question her intelligence, however if they went to someone who spoke that certain way or spoke English how Europeans speak it they would look down upon them
Thank you so much for posting! You do a good job comparing the pieces and seem to understand both of them! Great work!
Prof. Edelson