Jasleen Aujla- Media share 2


After reading the pink by Andrea chu, I noticed that She was explaining her personal experience asĀ  being a transgender. She explained the idea of feminism and what being feminism mean in a society. She was talking about the history of transgender that how they changed the feminist movement and what difficulties they faced. They are not appreciated by people. Chu also faced many difficulties in her way. But finally she succeed in what she wanted. The one thing that surprised me was that after transition she didnā€™t feel like women but still she was not regretting or sad. Even though she was happy with it.
I want to share this photo because it connects with chuā€™s text that how transgender faced difficulties. They are disrespected by our society. People say everyone is equal but somehow they still discriminated in our community.

Nahid Ali Media Share 2

After reading Andrea Chu’s “The pink”, I saw Chu share the experience after Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  her gender transformation. She said, “IT IS DIFFICULT to explain why I wanted a vagina. There were technical concerns: tucking is a major inconvenience, and often has to be redone each time you stand up.” InĀ her piece, she uses sensational language that feeds the lurid interest in trans peopleā€™s bodies at the expense of our rights and privacy. And in arguing for her right to transition no matter her uncertainty at the outcome, she largely ignores what we do know about the outcomes of transition for most people. I want to share this piece of art work by FUELADREAM in India . This art represent theĀ cubist impressions, reflecting her struggles and emotions as a transgender.

2. For Friday 9/4

Unit 1 | Appearances that Deceive…
Scene and Conflict

Although by now weā€™re acquainted with Essay 1, Iā€™ve yet to comment on the theme of our readings so far in the first unit of the courseā€”the idea that appearances can be deceivingā€”which is something you might (still) consider writing about for your first essay.Ā  In Naylor and Coatesā€™ texts, they allude to the ways in which raceā€”or, in the case of Naylor, racialized languageā€”can be deceiving: the ā€œn-wordā€ doesnā€™t always mean something bad (even if at first glance or hearing it seems to); meanwhile, for Coates, the very notion of raceā€”or looking at a body in terms of its ā€œraceā€ā€”is a fiction, the product of racism rather than its cause.Ā  On the other hand, Chuā€™s text confronts the deceptive appearance of a personā€™s gender: while a body may appear to be that of a man, a transgender person like Chu may nonetheless feel more like a woman at times (even if obtaining a vagina via surgery doesnā€™t quite clinch this feeling).Ā  In the next reading, Mirene Arsanios tells a twisted ā€œlove storyā€ of sorts that highlights the deception involved in contemporary romance, rooted as it is in text-based (mis-)communication.

Remember the readings for this course are there to inspire you to take chancesā€”as all of these writers haveā€”with becoming vulnerable and chancy in your essays-in-progress.Ā  Please take inspiration from both what these writers are writing about as will as the WAYS in which they are doing so.

OK, so for Friday (respond to 3A and 3B as a comment below; label each part A and B, please):

  1. Comment on another classmateā€™s ā€œMedia Shareā€ (1 or 2, doesnā€™t matter). In your comment, include at least 1 thing you found interesting about their post and 1 question you have about it.
  2. Read Mirene Arsanios, ā€œApril-May-June.ā€
  3. A. Something I want you to notice about both Chuā€™s text and Arsaniosā€™ essay is the way that both of them center around a CONFLICTā€”as do most good storiesā€”and yet how neither of these texts ends in a way that really resolves this conflict.Ā  These are both well-told stories (as your Essay 1 will be) but they arenā€™t stories that lead to a happy ending or an epiphany.Ā  Each writer concludes their work in a way that is messy or unsatisfied or confused in some way.Ā  For this part of the prompt, focus on either ā€œThe Pinkā€ or ā€œApril-May-Juneā€ and explain what the main CONFLICT of the story is before moving on to analyze how the story ends.Ā  What remains unresolved?Ā  What questions are left unanswered?

B. Both of these writers create vivid scenes in which time slows down and we become able to imagine a kind of movie-like documentation of the writerā€™s mind perceiving the world around them as well as their own inner thoughts. Ā (Iā€™ll be talking a bit about this on the Zoom call for this week, so please refer to the recording of that for more explication of some of the key scenes from these two texts and the elements that make up a ā€œscene.ā€) Ā For this part of the prompt, please write a long (2+ paragraph) scene that you might want to add to your Essay 1.Ā  When thinking about a scene to write, first think of a central CONFLICT related to what youā€™re writing your Essay 1 about and try to think of a SCENE that shows this CONFLICT building (or exploding!).

Media Share (The Pink)

The media I chose this time was a singĀ  called Cut My HairĀ  by Mounika (feat. Cavetown).

The pink had to do with someone being transgender however for Anderea Long Chu, her experience was much better than most. I love that she was able to celebrate openly with her friends and be happy but many others don’t have that experience. There are many people who have family and friends who don’t approve of those kind of changes so anyone who’s transgender has a hard time and the pain exceeds that of just physical. In the song “Cut My Hair” the person speaking wants to be someone else and is conflicted with their feelings. The song is slow and soft in the same state if the speakers demeanor. They don’t have such a good time with her transition but to give it a start they cut their to start. The difference between the text and the song actually gives me hope that people of all kinds can be happy and excepted for who they are one day.

Jasleen Aujla- Zoom meeting 1 summary

Unfortunately I was unable to join the meeting but after watching it I understand how this course will be. In this meeting Ā I clearly understand the syllabus and work we have to do in this term. This is my freshman year and I Ā  didn’t use open lab in high school but after watching the meeting I learn how to use this. We have to do media share where we have to share a link/image or video that says something about who we are and where we are. There was an essay “A word’s meaning can often depend on who says it”. It was interesting because she started essay saying that words don’t mean anything and later she was talking about a particular word that has different meanings. She tried to show that words meaning can be changed over time or by some reasons. I found this interesting. The way you explain the text was amazing and I can’t wait to come in next session.

(I have no questions for now because some of questions I had and other students asked that. So I got answer)