Shaun Mazyck/Zoom meeting 4

what i would have talked about in zoom meeting 4 is my sleep paralysis because I don’t dream much or remember them when i wake up when i was younger they would come more clearly and when i do dream there very far fetched and scary but what I’m going to explain is the sleep paralysis part i believe they started when i was in middle school i would wake up in the morning and get dressed and take another nap before school and then that is when I first experienced it and i fell back asleep sitting up on the couch and i awoke or so i thought i realized i was conscious and aware of what was happening around me but wasn’t able to move i could see my siblings getting ready for school but other times id see scary figures but it would only happen if i alone in the room while i was in that state it would also feel hard to breath and would be worse if i panic so i have to slow my breathing and focus on trying to wake myself up but on a spiritual side its a demon known as the night hag and a logical explanation is that i lack sleep and that is what causes it and i believed until one day i used to work with my pops at his job on Saturday’s and we would leave early in the morning and i stayed up the night before and was exhausted so when i got done with all my task i fell asleep in a conference room and the lights were of and my pops went to go take care some paperwork and as i fell asleep it happened again and i was stuck once again for a good while and something approached me and and i felt whatever dark figure repeatedly hitting my face nowadays they happen less

Shaun Mazyck /Zoom meeting 1

unfortunately I was unable to attend the first zoom meeting but i watched the zoom recording and can see that ill have a good time this semester i enjoyed listening and the professor was very helpful and he also seemed friendly I enjoy talking about a topic and going back an forth to understand each persons side and how the see and feel about the certain situation or issue that  might be discussed in class I will ask questions and have my camera on most of the time i also got a better hold on how to use openlab I was behind but the recording helped me get a better understanding i am glad that were on the topic about the discrimination towards the black community when we first started i was on my way back from a family vacation and i had to jump right in as soon as i got home and i am a freshman so this was new to me and overwhelmed but I’m getting the hang of In the recording it was giving a strong meaning on how the girl explains words can me nothing in the beginning but over time can develop into something more


I am enjoying the class so far so I’m looking forward to the next class

Maram Awadh Zoom Mtg 4 Summary

If I was able to join the 9/16 zoom meeting, I would have talked about a dream I had recently and it was about me and my family getting robbed. I remember watching one of my favorite turkish television show before going to bed and in that episode the family got robbed and ambushed as well. I guess that scene was stuck in my head because I had a dream about it happening to me and my family. I usually never remember my dreams when I wake up but this dream was different, I remember everything very clearly, as if it happened in real life. While listening to the discussion about Serpell’s text, I had the same thought as Domonic when he said “it was not biased because in the first two you can kinda see they have a biased point of view and not reliable story.” I agree with what he said about part three because it tells the point of view of the bystanders, not  of someone who was in the situation head on. The first two parts are kind of biased because they were told by people who were in the situation and the officer himself. The third part of the text wasn’t of any particular person’s point of view and just told the story as a bystander or reporter. Also, If I attended the zoom meeting I would have asked about the sub-lists that are due on friday. Some peoples lists have no similarities and I wanted to know what we do if there’s nothing in common in the list they chose.

Lubna Mojumder Media Share 4


Falling tree kills Queens man in his van as more than 2,000 trees fell by Isaias

#4. For Friday 9/18

For Friday 9/18

OK, so I’d like to take this week to catch up on several things, including Essay 1 feedback and revisions to last week’s writing assignment related to Serpell’s text (#3, for Fri 9/11). We will speak more about this text in our Zoom meeting this week, and I’d like you to re-think and re-write what you wrote in response to it for last week (or, if you’ve yet to complete last week’s work, you lucked out and now have a second chance ;). Please share your revised responses as comments on the original prompt post.

In addition—also for this Friday (9/18)—please read 3 Essay 1s and share feedback for each of them as a comment responding to each person’s post.

Lastly—and still for this Friday (9/18)—please read at least 1 other person’s Media Share #4 (their list of weird stuff they’ve seen online) and comment on it in the following way. I want us to keep working on identifying patterns in lists, as this will help us to establish connections between different parts of Essay 1 and also to begin topics to research and write about for Essay 2 (more on this in the weeks to come). So what I want you to do is this: read the person’s Media Share #4 list; then make 2 sub-lists, each containing a few of the things on the original list that have something in common. Title each sublist using a word or phrase that describes what each of the items in the sublist has in common. Here’s my example from last week:

Original List of weird shit I’ve seen on the internet – > What have I learned from the internet? (question to connect this to Essay 1 assignment)

–an owl eating a man’s rooftop strawberries
–a gaping butthole, sent via anonymous link
–a hog galloping through a city
–a semi-nuclear explosion in Beirut
–video of the Twin Towers falling
–a polar bear cuddling a dog
–a Trump supporter being shot in Portland OR
–George Floyd being asphyxiated by a police officer

SUBLISTS (based on topics/patterns/themes I’ve noticed in my original list above)

–a semi-nuclear explosion in Beirut
–video of the Twin Towers falling
–a Trump supporter being shot in Portland OR
–George Floyd being asphyxiated by a police officer

–an owl eating a man’s rooftop strawberries
–a hog galloping through a city
–a polar bear cuddling a dog

AGAIN: what I want you to do is read someone else’s original list and comment on it with two sublists organized in terms of patterns, topics, themes that *you* notice in their original list.

Francisco Concepcion Media share 4

Falling tree kills Queens man in his van as more than 2,000 trees fell by Isaias