Project 3: Editorial Illustration Research

The topic I chose to focus project 3 on is how black youth tend to be sentanced as adults more than white youth. This topic is important to me because this is a constant issue in the black community. In most cases treating these kids as adults doesn’t help them and just gets them stuck in a point in their lives. In other words the system tends to work against them most of the time.

Extra Credit: Mocca Arts festival

An artist who I saw at the mocca arts festival goes by the name of Kate lacour. Kate lacour is from New Orleans. She is a cartoonist, comic book artist, and therapist who works with autistic kids. Her work is mostly drawn figures of the human anatomy. Most of it is usually seen as horrifying or gruesome. Most of her drawings contain elements of human anatomcial horror. She says that her work is built around neurosis, which is a mental illness. She recently came out with two illustrative comics called Vivisectionary and The Disciple. Vivisectionary shows drawings of human diagrams mixed with horror and fantasy and the disciple is a series narrative drawings which also is mixed with horror and fantasy. Her references for those two books came from old biology textbooks from school. She used those books for anatomical references. Kate draws on archival ink first on watercolor paper. Then she paints with a combination of watercolor dyes and colored inks. She uses a scanner to scan her work and she uses photoshop to fix it up.

Project 3 – Editorial Illustration (Research)


For my project 3 idea, I decided to go with the epidemics concerning with Juuling.

Juul is a compact, USB-shaped vaping device, created by two former Stanford University students to mimic the nicotine hit of a real cigarette. The use of Juuling has eclipsed the cigarette use. According to Mr. McDermott, “Nobody smokes cigarettes. You go to the bathroom, there’s a zero percent chance that anyone’s smoking a cigarette and there’s a 50-50 chance that there’s five guys Juuling. And it’s like, how Band-Aid has become synonymous with ‘bandage’? Juul has become synonymous with ‘vape.” Juuling has become more popular in use for college/university students and since most parents confuse the small vaping device for a usb/flashdrive, it doesn’t look suspicious.

Juuls is becoming more rampant and not just within schools, but in social media and parties too, which has also led to cases of theft. The other issue is how accessible they are, middle school students can go to a deli and buy it without question. According to Ashley Gould, the chef administrative officer of Juul Labs, said “We do not want underage kids using our products. Our marketing is directed toward adults, tested with adults. And I do think it’s worth noting: All of the things you see on social media, we have absolutely nothing to do with. We actively try to take these things down. But unless there’s an infringement of our intellectual property it’s quite difficult.”

Concept in Illustration


Find an editorial Illustration you admire. Such as this amazing illustration by Mike Byers on the topic of Bed Bugs.  🙂   Read the subtext about the illustrations and where / how they were used.  Analyse what metaphors they chose to illustrate the subject matter. Observe the way the artist has conceptualized their subject.

Pay attention to what methods they have used:








Period Imagery



Here’s a few places to start looking:



But most of all, just look.



Project 3 (research)Chengjiu Du

For my third project, I’ve decided to focus on an issue that recently happened in China.

It’s about the public anger towards an post that Sina Weibo(a twitterlike site) recently announced. It mainly says that in order to promote a “clear and harmonious” environment and to comply with stricter cybersecurity laws put in place by President Xi Jinping, weibo has to eliminate the spread of sexually suggestive and violent content and that it would target cartoons, pictures, texts, short videos that are related to parasexuality, sexual abuse, homosexuality,etc…

This post obviously pissed of the majority of Chinese LGBT community, because they considered homosexuality as abnormal or even perverts. Thus, a lot of public figures including celebrities in China had posted their anger on Weibo saying that there’s nothing different between gays and straight people, all human are equal. later on, Sina weibo deleted all these posts that seemed “supporting homosexuality”.

Chinese netizens are still fighting against the discrimination of gays..the battle has not ended yet..

Wang, AnQi – Project 3 Editorial Illustration Idea

Artificial Intelligence

I chose artificial intelligence as my main idea of this project. Nowadays, people lend on the digital technology and its function has been developed as smart as human’s mind.In 2016, an artificial intelligence computer program that plays the Go already beat the human player. It immediately becomes a hot topic that people would focus on whether the AI would become the human’s future or not.