Cuny Cultural Corps Logo

I will be a part of the marketing and communications team as an intern under the supervision of the marketing and communications manager Tara Dawson. I first came across this position through the Cultural Corps program where I was able to find many interesting positions! I applied to about 11 internship positions, with MCNY being one of them.


Some positions I applied for on Simplicity

Description of MCNY position










It was a very difficult decision but I decided to choose MCNY as my first choice as they seemed to have the best opportunity for me to learn more about my studies in a professional environment. The virtual interview was fairly short and straight forward she asked what I knew about the organization, why I was interested in the position, and if I had any questions myself. It hadn’t taken long until my position was confirmed as this was my last interview of 11, maybe a week. The whole Culture Corps process however was longer about one or two months and a long interview process.