This weekend I spoke with the underground musical artist, Victory. A awesome jaw dropping lyricist, with an interesting hobby. Check it out:
How did you get your name? Actually the way I got my name is because my rap name use to be Flawless Victory but I just shorten it to Victory
How’d you describe you musical style? / What sets u apart from the artist out there? I would describe my musical style as fun and energetic and what sets me apart is that I won’t rap about what typical rappers rap about because I’m not a trap type of rapper so it forces me to be creative
I a lot of your music can be comical and jaw dropping… Do you think most lyrical artist sell out from their original genre and fall to mainstream artist? I don’t think most lyrical artist sell out to maintain stream but I do think that they try to go with the times because you don’t have to change what you want to say you just have to update how you say it and most artist don’t realize that
What else do you do? I also make clothes and I edit videos also
I love your designs and I watched the amazing growth… How did You get into fashion / what sparked your interest? I originally got the idea by making a shirt to promote myself as a artist and people liked the design and started requesting it then that’s when we really started getting into the clothing aspect
Is there anything you’ll like for the listeners to know? I would like my listeners to know that I’m working there’s a lot of good music coming with some great visuals so stay tuned
Can you sew? Would you ever try creating your own hand bag?
There was a time where I, Amoni B, did seam-stressing and designing. I self taught myself to create handbags, purses and more. Being an activist of sustainability, I started creating bags from reusable, recycled and second hand materials. Today I’d like to teach you guys how to create your own bags. Below are two videos, for the beginner and intermediate. You can use your own materials, I sometimes even use old jeans and dresses, which can be seen HERE.
Video 1: Yankee Tote | Video 2: Motherland Scrunch Clutch
QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Do you have a hobby, trade, or interest? What is it? | Have you ever created anything? What?
Last week I spoke about How To Go Viral on social media. This weeks blog is about using your audience/following to generate income.
When I first started my YouTube and blogger site years ago I had no idea of its potential. I carelessly vlogged about my life, which of course consisted mostly of beauty and cosmetics. I began to receive numerous messages to join campaigns, promote advertisers, and review products. For many I was hesitant but I did get free products and joined blogging social sites. years later after the buzz i had dwindled I realized I could have monetized many of my videos, or obtained money from my former post. I wish I knew what I know now, I wish I was more consistent and I wish I took it more serious regardless of my situations.
Although I wont go to in-depth, here are a few ways to make money from your online presence:
1. Advertising (ie: Google Adsense): usually getting paid per click when you post about the company. You can use links or have actual ads on your site or social media page.
2. Affiliate Marketing: Companies will pay per person that visits their site or purchase products. Some sites pay based on the amount of people that follow you.
3. Selling Your Own/Service: Most people you know will either support or share, its free publicity on your own page.
Now, I know at first it may start off as chump change but when you are persistent and consistent the possibilities can make you a millionaire, as many on YouTube.
QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Are you making money online? doing what? | Will you now consider using your following to generate income?
Today half of the population wants to go off grid and the other half wants to GO VIRAL, a phrase used to convey the act of gaining, usually quick, popularity online. Going viral can happen by mistake or on purpose. What do I mean? Sometimes users post things on social media with no intent of many people seeing it.
However, if it is controversal or identifiable enough people will start viewing or sharing the post until it spirals out if control, causing a once internet “nobody” to gain a following on and offline. On the other hand, people who yearn for attention or for people to actively follow them for whatever reason (ie: sales), will put in the hard work and even money to show up on social media feeds and gain popularity.
Here I explain HOW TO GO VIRAL:
QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Have you ever gone viral? How? | What do you feel about what I am saying?
Thinking of starting a business or just curious? Maybe you’ll end up using the information to help someone else.
I starting hosting seminars again under my company Vive Entertainment Enterprises Corporation, a service and educational non-profit. I also perform free mentoring through the state: Amoni B NYC. Last Saturday we, my business associates and I, spoke on how to start a business and did a Q/A for those who came or called in.
Here are 5 steps to start yours:
Turn Your hobby Into Your Money Stream: whether you have a job or not, you can turn most passions into a business. Perhaps you love to sew, talk or eat. That can turn into being a fashion designer, event host, or food network executive. Maybe not an exec, but a restaurant owner. Either way, take time to ideate on what you can do with your talent or hobby (sometimes you many not be as good as you think but keep motivated and hire others ).
Solve A Problem: You do not need to reinvent the wheel! But make sure there is a market for your business. No one wants to see 5 Salad Bars in a 5 block radius, nor will each one make enough money. Heck, there is competition at the two located in Rockefeller Center. How ever if there is none, there is an opening for what you want to do. Whether you solve your own problem of wanted salad near your home or solving the problem of giving healthy choice options for your neighborhood, you may succeed.
Know When To Be Selfish: This point actually came to me in a dream. I’m always doing for others and sometimes I neglect my needs and wants. If you want to be successful you must be a little selfish. Save your money for your business goals, don’t use what you need to give to your always begging little cousin. Take time out for yourself and try to be too consumed in either direction. Most of all don’t let distractions deter you from the bigger picture.
Training Tuesday Will Land the Deal Monday: No matter what you do, you will need to do research and development. You can’t expect to open a winter accessories cart on the street of Miami if you haven’t looked into the weather. You must plan according to the facts. Ask yourself: What is my target market? What problems will I solve? What and where is my competition? Will I make money, how? What do I have to do before actually starting? Does it make sense? …. You see where I am going with this. Don’t forget to take seminars, ask for help, and shadow people doing what you want to do.
Get Those Documents In Order: It’s simple, based on what you need to do you will need to get incorporated, next get a tax ID, and after understand the licenses your business needs and apply for them. Maybe it’s just simply stated . If you need help use these free services.
QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Is there anything you looking for help doing? | In need of entertainment services, technical assistance or business help?
Make sure to check out my last post, and stay tuned for my posts every Monday
Milan & Miles uploaded to Instagram (string rights) by Milan Christoper
Two weeks ago I sat in the studio audience for Love and Hip Hop (LHH) Hollywood. Several of us was at first confused to the exact taping. Was this the reunion? Was it now to be part of LHH New York? As more people started to join in we saw our host, T.J Holmesof abc news and Princess, girlfriend of R&B star Ray J. They started playing a, then, never before seen snipet of an episode showing Miles, a Hip Hop artist on Love & Hip Hop Hollywood. We was in awe? watching Miles “come out,” or in other words reveal to his love ones that he has been sleeping with someone. I teared at the hurt he subjected his hopeful ex-girlfriend and best friend, Amber, to. Some of the audience members was even kicked off the set for their lack of tolerance.
Marriage Equality by Gthomasbower using CC BY-SA 2.0
Throughout the continuation of our intimate studio setting, which included LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and straight legends and up-and-comings from everywhere. This included Hip-Hop/R&B artist, producers, directors, actors, actresses, activist, and preachers. There was a conversation mainly pin pointed about being out in Hip Hop for men and females and being impacted by their decision and of those around them. There was several points I agreed with and many points I didn’t. However, the whole time so many other thoughts came to my head. I remembered “outing” a then close female friend of mine in elementary school; I remembered being apart of the Gay and Straight club in High school and helping to fundraise and lead talks; and I remembered being in the Straight in Gay Alliance my first year in college and going to Washington, DC wearing my American Apparel prop 8 shirt to march for equality. But now I became conflicted.
Was not this what we were fighting for? Now, I see commercials where strong male body lifters were subjected as females; I love to watch the Netflix series Orange is the New Black which shows jailed females with various sexual orientations, I twerked to Fly Young Red’s objectifying gay video “Boy *u*sy,” I applauded Caitlyn Jenner for loving her truth, yet I judged Taye Diggs for
Taye Diggs as Hedwig on Instagram with sharing agreement
admitting to love women’s cloths and wearing glittery black nail polish on the Wendy Williams show, and wanted Yung Thug to expose himself, and I question whether this agenda is more than the acceptance of my non-straight and arrow brother and sisters.
I am always one to say sexual orientation is a joke and that you should be with who ever you feel comfortable with in your legal rights. Are we finally getting what we hoped for from the US and the media (controlled by the rich), aceeptance of the LGBT community? Or is this just a plot, an agenda of the rich trying to halt reproduction of the human race to limit population. Is the media trying to implant in our children to like the same sex, even if they weren’t born with the hormones and thoughts of those who would normally like the same sex. Is the media exploiting the tv watchers because they know the LBGT community is vast and they want to continue to get rich and make it seem like a platform is being created. I am glad I marched on Washington for a reason, same-sex marriage is legal Nationwide, but was that just to get taxes out of the LGBT community too.
Questions to the audience: What do you think? s it a platform or a hidden agenda? | is this a distraction? | Are females who dress like males accepted as much as males who dress like females? | Can someone like someone of the same sex without being assumed they are less masculine or feminine?
*** Check out I see BIg Freedia a transgender bounce star isn’t even wearing what she had on, she looks more like a man now. *** And don’t forget to watch the episode tonight on VH1. I’ll be sitting in the upper left hand corner.
#BlackLivesMatter includes our Black LGBT community
Black Lives Matter by Miguel form noncommercial reuse
I know it is 4-20 and it would be cool to read about all type of hemp influenced products or why/why not weed should be legalized, but there are much more important subjects to blog about.
“Your network determines your net worth.” To the growing hemp producers that phrase might be all too familiar (lol), but for you younger folk it may sound very new. And thats okay, but after today I want you to never forget it.
According to A network is an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to provide mutual
assistance, helpful information, or the like. When you meet people on your career path or those in your hobby-generated groups you may automatically connect them with your “network.” Although those people have common interests, they become apart of your network, and vice versa, only when you put actively add them to it. Of course that is figuratively speaking, you cannot actually pick people up and put them in a physical network. But just think if you collect business cards, phone numbers, and emails from everyone you meet, even those who do not seem to share common interest with you, you may have thousands of contacts within a few months. After you converse and exchange contacts, you must personally follow up with people and even subscribe them to your monthly mailing or email list if you have one. If you walk by people, choose to bail on networking, and refuse to attend all social events, you are missing a possible life alternating opporntunity.
Some may not know, or even believe that I can be a shy person. It’s true. I would choose to opt out of a phone conversation or even a face-to-face chat unless I know a person very well. THIS IS DISASTROUS for anyone. How can I be successful in real estate, let alone in the entertainment industry, if I can not socialize or speak to a person or a crowd. Most times I pump my self up or just brush away the fear, but it is a skilled that can only be mastered if practiced. So people, next time you are about to send a mass text/email try sending it personally to someone or calling them directly. That will help build a trusting relationship. You may even spark a conversation that inquires about each of your skill sets and interests, which in return build a network that will allow for exchange of services, sharing of knowledge, or even referrals.
And thats where you build your net worth, which can be thought of as the total assets of a business minus its total liabilities ( A person can be a brand, or business, as well. Theoretically, your net worth can be calculated by actual financials or based on those connected to you in someway. Those connections can be a direct link to leads, future income, knowledge, and more.
Dedicated to some of the men in my life who practice and preach this concept:
My Dad Larry, personal trainer & (Co-Owner of Brooklyn Billionairez)
My Uncle Dave, business owner in the Automotive & Entertainment industry
My Uncle Sammy, mutli-business owner including We Have it ALL
My Brother-Cousin Samar, Owner of Made Realty & Made Capital Corp.
Happy Birthday Samar, you will continue to add on to your network and success.
QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Are you nervous when networking? | Do you leave events early to avoid feeling awkward when talking to others? | Do you have stories of success based on your network? | Do you feel having people in your network is similar to using people? | How do you network? | Can you give me advice.
I originally wanted to blog about perception, showing how different images, such as the “Mooney Faces,” by Craig Mooney, and how different people will see situations differently. Perception can depend on timing, awareness, and knowledge, among other elements. Since that is common knowledge and most students are partaking in Spring Break, I have decided to blog about protecting oneself in whatever reality you may live in.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.” And since the beginning there has always been a battle between the Good and Evil. For those who aren’t monotheistic, you still may notice there have always been lies, greed, deceit, betrayal, jealousy, and sometimes war between individuals and groups of people. Many blame these misbehaviors on a variety of factors. Such factors may include the following: mental illness; neglect as a child; upbringing; selfishness; “bad DNA;” seeking attention; imitating the actions of a idol; and be admired or rewarded for misconduct. People you meet, even some you’ve known for years, can seem to be trustworthy under their corrupt facade.
Because there are people in this world that favors wrongdoing, you must protect yourself, especially on vacation. You can do that in many ways. The first way is to gain knowledge and understanding of what ever you decide to do. Whether you are staying near home or going away you females AND males must remain be smart.
Follow these simple Do’s and Don’ts in order to protect yourself
Let someone, not with you, know of your location
Keep your phone charged and bring your charger
Keep a clear mind
Know your limit
Do self defense is provoked, take self defense classes if you do not know techniques
Maintain proper awareness
Be responsible
Analyze where are you are and think of possible situations
Have a backup plan
Buy your own food & drinks, keeping a close eye
Carry lightly as to not misplace or lose items
Don’t Abuse Substances
Don’t yearn for drama and to be around unsafe environments
Don’t set your cup down then drink from it again
Do not fight
Do not cause too much attention to yourself
Do not be really flashy
Don’t provoke someone who already shows aggressive behavior
Never depend on someone else for your safety, especially if they are partaking in the same activity as you
Don’t panic, instead think quickly on your feet
Never sleep in an unfamiliar place
Never go to places alone, if you must let someone know where you are going
Take this knowledge into consideration even when you are not on a Vay-Cay. Trust me, the more you know, the safer you are, the better you’ll be.
Dedicated to K-Fashion, for we can be so naive and trustworthy and whenever we get together we sometimes become so engulfed in our own fun that we neglect to keep our awareness.
QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: What do you do to protect yourself? | Have you been in a situation that would have been avoided by following these steps? Describe it if you are comfortable. | Do you keep distance from people who show misconduct? | Do you feel there is a such thing as “bad DNA?” | Why can’t we all get along? | Stay tuned on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z … lol
Art is a something that evokes a feeling. This can be true for someone who views art as paintings and someone who views art as a choreographed ballet. Throughout centuries, people have used art for a variety of situations: to share their feelings; to release stress; to state facts; to show history; to tell stores; to cause controversy; to make a living, etc. However, with the change of the times, was a change of the methods to make art. People went from drawing on an easel to copying-and-pasting on an app, and even to allowing the computer to draw for them entirely. The creativity of today seems to lack a great tangible feel.
Since the dawn of the ages there have been some form of art, not including architecture. You can see that with Ancient Egyptian’s Hieroglyphics and other “cave men” drawings. Since then, there has been a progression based on materials available and change in knowledge.
I wanted to know what people thought of the change. I decided to go around and ask a few people what they thought on the subject.
I asked some students What is Art? Here are their responses:
Credit: Cody, Eije, Al, Mike
Answer from a professional: Prof. Libby Clarke, Department of Communication Design, Co-Advisor of the Printmaking Club
I asked students Has Technology Damaged Art? Here are the responses:
Answer from a professional: Prof. Libby Clarke, Department of Communication Design, Co-Advisor of the Printmaking Club
*BACKGROUND: I have been drawing all my life, starting with pencil drawings, water colors, and coloring books (as most people). I started to progress, of course, as I got into middle school, having tried a variety of mediums like mosaics, charcoal, color pencil, and painting. By time I got to High School I was enrolled in advanced art/drawing and painting. I also held a leadership position in Art Club, doing activities in the neighborhood like Holiday Window Painting. Although I originally wanted to go into Graphic Design, however, once in college for Computer Engineering, I only took Art History and African Art & Architecture with no creation what so ever. Outside of school I started creating on faces and bodies as a makeup artist and became more technical savvy. I began creating websites, blogs, editing photos, and using photoshop. The most I drew was doodles on my school work. Today I am getting back to my roots while still using my technical skills. I have found my happy place :). I am excited to have found the Printing Making Club, using hands on art methods, which meets Thursdays at 12:45 in N 1119 or N 1104. I am also in the process of designing a poster using photoshop and my original art drawings for the City Tech’s Production “Fallen Sparrow,” showing April 1st at 7pm and April 2nd at 1 pm in the Atrium Television Studio.
To me, Art is in so many forms, music, performance, and visual creations. I believe it has damaged some art but has created a platform and a place to enhance art for the new and old generation. I do feel people need to come back to the basics and learn to use their bodies for expression.
QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: Do you believe the digital age have took the definition of art away from its original meaning? | Have new age technology made people less hands on? |Are you an artist, if so how have the times changed you?