Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | Fall 2022

Research Project Presentation – DD

In my project, I will discuss how the videogame design of Elden Ring emulates the lessons of the modern day by analyzing how Fromsoftware’s latest massive success is rooted in the parallels of crude dystopian fantasy to our progressively challenging reality.




  1. Kayla Williams

    I really loved how i felt like I was watching a movie preview. However, I feel like too many videos can get a bit distracting. BUT there were times where you had still images that matched what you were saying. All in all, I thnk you did a great job.

  2. Saria Tabassum

    Great graphics! I must begin with the visual, which kept me watching to the finish since it was so fascinating. I enjoy how you explained why people should play as well as how and why some people leave the game. Despite the fact that I don’t play video games, the video game doesn’t look bad. Great job!

  3. Katherine Alas

    Hi Damani, I love graphics and I think that your delivery was really good. I like how you used videos from people who are playing the games because that help to emphasize the frustration people feel when playing. I think maybe you should maybe slow down or use images as well so people can focus more on what you’re saying because at times I’m admiring the video. I think you did a great job but please post the last part because you left off us on a cliffhanger lol.

  4. Ibrahima Diallo

    It was really eye catching about what you done with the game you chose being Elden ring. It was really interesting about what you put into perspective with it and how it was related to the real world. You did seem like you have more info but the video cut out so it would be nice to see more

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