Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | Fall 2022

Research Project Presentation – OTA

How do Beliefs Make a Person?

This presentation is a ssummarized version on what makes a person – what builds their identity. It talks about how designers/artists use their beliefs (opinions, practices, cultural traditions) to inspire them and present their views. Every person has their own identity, but it’s their beliefs that form that identity. It is was makes them different to other people; thier own unique inviduality.

YouTube Presentation

Google Slides

Annotated Bibliography

1 Comment

  1. Katherine Alas

    Hi Omara, I think your video is very interesting. I agree with your argument that designers are influenced in their design by their backgrounds, opinions, and practices. I like the examples that you chose and you explain how in certain regions a color might have different meanings and show examples of them being used.I think that my suggestion would be to say something about how these things are a single factor like a designer won’t just have a practice and that is all that plays into the design but they can have a practice and one of the opinions you mentioned, and how that can affect their design choices. I think that your tone of voice was good and you showed appreciation for all of the practices and traditions which I think is really good, good job on your video.

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