Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | Fall 2022

Discussion: Week 13

Add a comment to this Discussion Post with link(s) to your Research Project & Presentation in progress by Dec 5th. Give feedback to at least 3 of your classmates before Dec 7th.

Review the Research Project & Presentation guidelines to make sure you are clear about what the expectations are. Specifically, take note of the requirements for Your Annotated Bibliography and Your Presentation Format.

Below find some helpful links for tips and tools you can use to assemble and record your Research Presentation.

If you have questions about putting together your presentation, don’t wait until the last minute. Post your questions here and/or contact me.

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  1. Yunique Griffith

    My Research Project –

    • Kayla Williams

      You’ve got a great layout so far, I like how you tell the story to climate change before you get into the designers that talk about it. I would however try to cut down a little bit on the body copy of some slides, or cut them into different slides as presenting with too many words can cause the viewer to get lost in reading whats on the slides rathe than listening to you. Also remember to cite all of your photos!

  2. Francesca Penalver

    My research project. It’s not done so things might be missing, this is just what I have from my mind so far –

    • Kayla Williams

      I see where you’re going with it. Definitely try to find people who have designed those robots and their purpose for doing it, what did they want to accomplish when making them? You’re doing great with making sure to cite your photos.

    • Kayla Williams

      Im sure you have a lot more to add in, just remember to refer to the presentation outline, cite all sources, including all photos. What helped me lay out my presentation was putting out all the thesis questions I had and making sure to answer them with every slide after.

      • Muhammad Amin Uddin

        Thanks, Kayla for your valuable feedback, yea I definitely have to add more stuff on the slides and more sources too.

  3. Kayla Williams

    My research project presentation SO far.

    Click ^

    • Yunique Griffith

      I loved your presentation and was very well put together. However, there are some text in some slides you could cut back from. Instead these could be good to read off of when you present!

  4. Katherine Alas

    This is my presentation so far^

    • Anath-El Jean-Pierre

      So far**

    • Katherine Alas

      Hi Anath-El, I think your presentation is very interesting and it has a lot of good information. I think it would be good if you talked about AR because it’s an interactive technology that could use designed for fun but also it can be helpful like how the professor show in class with the IKEA app that could be practical because people will know about how big the furniture could be. Also, those filters that are used in stores online to try things on like glasses or makeup I think are very helpful and practical because now people don’t have to go to the store if they aren’t able to try those products.

  5. Ibrahima Diallo

    Not really finished but what is here so far

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