Read and annotate Paul Rand’s “Good Design Is Good Will” in  Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field page 64-69 and Steven Heller’s “Underground Mainstream”

My opinion on Paul Rand’s view of designer/client relationship is that I agree with what he is saying. I say this because when you have a close relationship with your client, you are able to design a piece or pieces for them that will fit the company or client. You want to build a relationship to get to know their company, what they stand for, the overall look of designs they put out to the audience, etc. You want to get a sense of what they would expect from you but also something new that would fit into their company or singular client work. 

There is a difference between underground and mainstream today because of society. Society had made social media platforms popular and ways for people to get popular through their designs. By people making art that is relatable or cool to the audience’s eye, they can become popular or as you would say they would become mainstream. When I think of underground, I think of lowkey designers or designers that are not that popular but still reach a good small audience for themselves. 

I’m not sure if this design was early Avante Guarde but I wanted to use this because it reminded me of all the sugary cereals out there for people. Most of them are just full of sugar and have no health benefits at all. I think this represents all of them in saying that sugary cereals are bad for your health. You can see the animal representing a person, flicking sugar cubes into his mouth and more in front of him. Above him it says “Diabetes Crunch”, again indicating it’s bad for your health.

I say this is new cultural jamming because Mcdonald’s is still as popular as it was years ago. I think it has gotten more popular to where people just love it. But it’s also affecting the person’s health, especially since it’s a fast food place. In this logo, you can see the word “Weight” on top and their classic M is upside down for a W, to stand for weight. Then at the bottom, instead of “I’m lovin it”, it’s “I’m gainin it”. To show people that this food is only helping them gain weight nothing else. 


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