One point of focus that was highlighted within “Revisiting the Avant-Garde” was the idea of ‘neutrality replacing emotion’. When I see this quote, I believe it points out that as design progressed, it hasn’t felt genuine or from-the-heart anymore. The way we view design is meant to move a particular idea forward. Even if 100 people are moved by one artist’s work, there’s a risk that no one else will experience that feeling because 101 people favored another artist more….which sucks. The prioritization of profit and credibility over a genuine eye for design has changed the way design is formed. Design has become less of a field than an industry.

HIPPO is a common coding and design industry term that stands for Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. Tasks are brought on by those in charge to push a certain agenda. A certain message has to be told to a particular audience to generate awareness, profit, and repeat customers. This approach, although beneficial in today’s society, hurts the authenticity of designer’s work. This is where ‘neutrality replaces emotion.’ The work tends to box creative ideas into its archenemy; business

“As graphic design took shape as a profession, the ideal of objectivity replaced that of subjectivity.”

However, where one door seemingly closes, another one opens. Technology has immensely updated postmodern and contemporary design and has an endless impact on today’s society… in almost every aspect of life. From colour theories to typefaces, software is allowing designers to become more immersed into the media of their work. Being creative now doesn’t only mean that you can draw, paint, or have steady hands for calligraphy.

In addition, the innovation of design via technology has created more ideas to merge with aspects of life. Designers are implementing social justice, love, family, and everything in-between within their creations. Also, while design continues to become more industrial, creatives are moving forward and adapting by producing their own work personally or through freelance. This puts our field in the forefront of society.