Hall, Sean. This Means This, This Means That: A User’s Guide to Semiotics, Laurence King Publishing, 2012 (Chapters 1 & 2) pgs 21-67.

The theory from Saussure was that when it came to signs, they both had a material form and mental concept. His take on the signifier was that of something that can be heard as a sense of the 5 senses. The signified is the concept that comes along with it.

The WWE logo is an example of Peirce’s terms in the aspect of the symbols. This is evident in the logo because although there isn’t words from the logo it is well known internationally. It is evidently culturally learned because where ever someone goes there can always be someone to let you know what the logo is.

The way non literal devices are used to convey meanings are through a series of metaphors. Advertisements and social media use lots of imagery through metaphoric aspects, it helps bring the audience in and catches their eye. An example of this would be this pharmacy ad about people’s illnesses.