Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | Fall 2022

Discussion: Introductions

Add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class.

You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, who or what has influenced your creative work, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Include a link to a drawing, photo, or video of yourself and/or your creative work.

Before the next class, read the comments and get to know your classmates! 

Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something?


  1. Jenna Spevack

    Hello everyone.
    I’m your professor for Communication Design Theory. You can call me Jenna (or Professor Jenna or just Professor, if you prefer).

    I’ve been a full-time faculty member in the COMD Department since 2002 and an OpenLab Co-Director since 2011. I’ve taught courses in web design, interactive media, animation, design foundations, and design theory. I wrote this course four years ago for our BFA Degree. I also lead the COMD Futures Collaboratory. If you’re interested in AR/VR research, please let me know.

    Before coming to City Tech, I worked as a web designer and an animator/illustrator at Sesame Street’s Interactive Media Department. I’ve also been a visual artist for 25 years. My creative work is influenced primarily by my experience of solitude in nature. You can see some of my recent work on my website:

    Looking forward to working with you this semester!

  2. Francesca Penalver

    Hi. My name is francesca penalver. Why I chose this major is because I like the creative freedom it has. It gives space to bring your own ideas out. Most of my work I’ve done in classes or my personal art, comes from different things i see around alot. In my spare time I like to draw, watch movies, and listen to music. I especially like going to the movies now.!ApMNvjYVs1zEpUwZsa4fKANtFA3J

    • Kayla Williams

      Hiii! Well said for why you chose this major. We’re similar in the drawing and watching movies on our spare time lol. I’m sure most of us in this class have the love for drawing. 🙂

    • Jesus Pena

      Hi, I agree, the creative freedom this major has is great, I also like to draw sometimes and going to the movies is something I rarely did as a kid but I learned can actually be enjoyable.

  3. Kayla Williams

    Hello all! I’m Kayla. The major I chose is graphic design. I enjoy drawing, painting, and watching movies or shows on my spare time. I guess I can say my 6th grade talent teacher influenced me the most because though I didn’t think I was that much good of an artist, he really motivated me and told me I was better than I thought, and then I had a lot of co workers at my job that would tell me Im good at drawing, and graphic design fit so well with what I enjoy doing. Then my family and friends also were great motivation. I guess if you have instagram you can check out some of my drawings there.

    • Francesca Penalver

      I love that most of us have something in common. I love that you had a lot of motivation and went for it.

  4. Jesus Pena

    Hello, my name is Jesus Pena, my major is Communication Design, I am interested in the advertising pathway, I chose my major because I have always been fascinated by design and art since a kid. Things I enjoy are watching reality tv shows, learning new things and writing whenever I get the chance too.

  5. Yunique Griffith

    Hi! My name is Yunique and my major is Communication Design with a focus on Brand Identity. I chose this major because it allows me to utilize my creative side by creating my own digital artwork, paintings, etc. In my free time, I love to play football, draw, work out and even jam out to music. If you would like to check out my portfolio, here’s the link!

  6. Melisa WuLin

    Hello! My name is Melisa Wu Lin. The reason for choosing a communication design major is I enjoy the process of creating something, an empty space would be filled with colorful figures, and grow out of nothing, which gives me a sense of achievement. In my spare time, I like to read fiction, listen to music, watch videos and play puzzles. Also, I love to share things with my friend. If I find some funny thing/beautiful creature, I will remember it and take a photo.

    • Katherine Alas

      Hi, I definitely agree with getting a sense of achievement after doing a creative project.Also I saw your photography and it looks amazing, I can really tell that you are having fun taking the pictures and have good creativity when taking them 🙂

      • Saria Tabassum

        Hello I saw your pictures, beautiful photos you got there. Your photograph of the  jellyfish is phenomenal! I really liked it!

  7. Byron Chamorro

    Hi, my name is Byron. I started my undergrad at CityTech in 2015 but decided to take a very long break in 2018, during which I worked full-time as a math tutor and a high school guidance counselor assistant—which I enjoyed a ton to the point that I did this type of work for 6 years and this summer I ended up teaching about college access at Pratt and was invited as guest speaker for an international podcast. During my break from school I also worked as the in-house designer for a non-profit organization, CARA, where my longest project has been leading and working with other content creators to put together a toolkit for undocumented students, I was the only designer so it was my job to design the entire toolkit over the span of a few months.

    Currently I still work part-time for CARA as well as for a different non-profit with the title “webmaster.” I’m also a self taught coder and love doing it, I own a Discord server for which I have coded my own custom bot from scratch and have worked on a few websites as well, some for actual clients and some just as personal projects.

    I’ve stopped for a few years now but I also enjoy creating digital art and other things, such as UI animation and video editing, to explore all the different Adobe softwares (here you can see a few of my creative work that I used to do for fun in my free time: Speaking of things I do for fun aside from coding, I love binge watching shows and am a sucker for Sci-Fi movies.

    • Yunique Griffith

      Hi, Byron

      I loved to code, at one point. I even taught myself how to create my own website from the ground up through a coding learning app called Miro. Eventually, over time, I didn’t feel that web design was a course to pursue.

  8. ManJie

    Hello, my name is ManJie Wu and my major is communication design. I love new and interesting things, and designers can bring out new and interesting ideas. In my spare time, I like listening to music, drawing and playing games.
    And here is my website with my works:

  9. Katherine Alas

    Hi my name is Katherine, My major is Web design but I’m also interested in graphic design .I like web design because I think is fun to have to try different ways to make the project work and I like graphic design because I enjoy drawing .In my free time I like to draw, paint and do embroidery because they are all a bit relaxing and fun.I also like to watch animated movies or shows, they also inspire me when drawing because the character designs are usually very creative and fun.I also like to watch animated shows because I feel like there is more freedom and there is more room to create something that would be really hard to make with people and actors.

    • Melisa WuLin

      Hello! I have tried embroidery before. However, I seldom finish a complete embroidery because my patience is not enough, lol. But I know finishing an embroidery can get happiness. I agree that character design can inspire inspiration. In my opinion, we can learn something from character design by studying our favorite characters. Maybe we also can find some credit cookies that designers hide in character design.

  10. Omara T. Aguilar

    Hi everyone! My name is Omara T. Aguilar, but you can call me Omara (O-mA-rA).

    I am a transferring student from BMCC after graduating and gaining my Associates in Science degree on Multimedia Programming and Design. Here at City Tech, I will be majoring in Communication Design. I chose this major because it correlated best with what I had been studying at BMCC and (luckily) all my credits would be accepted here. Not to mention, receiving a BFA would great.

    When it comes to reading, I am very much into the fantasy and romance, but I also enjoy a good thriller. However, odly enough, when it comes to movies and videos I am a HUGE fan of anything and everything horror and supernatural/paranormal. For music, I really enjoy Latin songs and some rock.

    When it comes to my spare time, I will: draw, cook, bake, dance, workout, or just go for a stroll on my own/with friends. When it comes to influencing my work, no one really did. However, if I had to say who taught me to love designing and creating art in general, it would have to have been my mother. My mom has always been a master at arts and crafts, I would always be that one kid in school that came with over the top projects thanks to help from my mother.

    I don’t have a portfolio at the moment, ran into issues with the last one so I am currently trying to rebuild it. However, I dod have a link to my google drive that includes some of my works. I hope it catches your interest and I can’t wait to meet you all!

  11. HarryChen

    Hi. My name is Harry Chen. My major is communication design. I chose this major because I like the creative freedom and enjoy looking at art and designs. In my free time, I like watching tv shows, anime, listening to music and playing video games.

  12. Saria Tabassum

    Hello, my name is Saria and my major is communication design. I am interested in graphic design but I am also interested in ux/ui. I have always enjoyed arts and crafts since I was little which lead me to this major. I initially was going to major in accounting but couldn’t see myself working in this field in the future which is why I followed my passion instead and so far I am liking what I am doing. I love watching other artists’ work on social media to get inspiration. I like art, anime, manga, photography, music, and painting. I want to learn piano in the future! I don’t have my portfolio yet but here is something I drew recently.

  13. Damani Douglas

    Hey everyone! My name is Damani & I’m majoring in Communication Design. Although this major is graphic design centered, I identify much more as a photographer than a designer. I fell in love with photography during my freshmen year of college and decided to take it more seriously around a year and a half ago & purchased a Canon m50 mirrorless camera. Over this past year and a half, I’ve gained experience in portrait, studio, event, & music photography (album covers, eps, etc). I am also interested in video editing & content creation. Growing up watching creators like CoryxKenshim & iBerleezy has instilled an unshakable desire to impact & entertain young adults struggling to find themselves, through content creation. Also, yall should watch Arcane League of Legends, it’s phenomenal!

    I look forward to getting to know all of you better & if you’d like to work together on a photoshoot, video project, or just go see a movie feel free to hit me up @ 917-403-3121!

    Photography Insta: @damani_creates

  14. Natasha Sarmiento

    Hello everyone, my name is Natasha Sarmiento. My interest has always been around graphic design, so being able to join the major of Communication Design. While there are other interests I have in mind to do after finishing College, making this my major gave me the opportunity to learn more skills and open new doors when it comes to graphic designs that I wasn’t able to get these kinds of information before. I enjoy drawing in my free time to practice my skills and get better at character designs or animation.

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