
Our first reading consists of an introduction to the primary text we will use in this course, Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Armstrong, Helen, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Navigate to pages 9-15 to read “Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde.”

This introduction briefly mentions many of the designers, movements, and texts included in the collection while also describing the author’s own interest in the theoretical aspects of the design process.

Due Date(s)

  • Your reading response is due the day before the next session, August 31st.
  • Your revised reading response is due the following day, September 1st.


NOTE: Prior to starting this assignment, complete the Week 1 Agenda tasks: setting up Hypothesis, create your Research Journal, and creating an OpenLab Post.

Following the instructions below, read and annotate the text with your classmates in our Hypothesis group. After reading and annotating the text, create a rough draft of your response in your Research Journal. Your response should be about 200 words and checked for spelling and grammar errors. Lastly, create a new post and publish your response.

1. Open the reading.

In a new tab open the text Armstrong, Helen. Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Navigate to pages 9-15 to read “Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde.”

2. Enable Hypothesis.

The reading link above will automatically open Hypothesis. Login to your account and select our group COMD Theory OER Group (IMPORTANT!) from the dropdown to make sure your annotations and highlights will be recorded in the group. See Using Hypothesis for details.

3. Consider these questions

While reading “Revisiting the Avant-Garde” do you notice similarities between avant-garde movements of the past and the design field (or the world) of today?

Let’s look at a few terms you will find in the reading. Define these terms and consider in what ways do today’s designers participate in, facilitate, or reject them.

  1. Authorship
  2. Universality
  3. Social Responsibility

Provide specific examples (ie: specific designers, social media tools, design trends, advertising campaigns, etc). Check out AIGA’s Eye on Design to find out what contemporary designers are working on.

What idea(s) or concerns do you think will drive the Avant-Garde of the near future?

4. Read & Annotate.

Consider the questions/prompts listed above. Start to formulate the answers to these questions while you practice close reading with annotations. Share at least 3 annotations in the Hypothesis group, including your questions, definitions, and ideas with your classmates. See Using Hypothesis for details.

Add the tags: Revisiting the Avant-Garde and Reading Response 1 to your annotations.

5. Draft your Reading Response.

In your Research Journal, write a draft of your 200-word response. Be sure to summarize the questions above, so your reader has some context. Check for grammar and spelling errors. Use the word count tool.

6. Post your Reading Response.

When ready, create a new post in this OpenLab Course. At the top of the post copy and paste the following: Armstrong, Helen. “Introduction: Revisiting the Avant-Garde” Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 9-15. Paste your reading response from your Research Journal. Adjust any formatting issues that may have occurred while pasting.

Here is an example Reading Response post for reference.

Please be sure to add the following title, category, and tags to your posts. For help with adding Categories and Tags, see OpenLab Help.

  • TITLE: Reading Response 1 – Your Initials
  • CATEGORY: Reading Responses
  • TAG: Reading Response #1
  • TAG: Your Name or Alias

7. Reflect on the Class 2 Discussion and Edit your Response

After submitting your first draft, reviewing the videos “History of Graphic Design: 1888-1930,” and discussing “Revisiting the Avant-Garde” with your classmates, consider any other ideas that came up for you around these discussion questions and edit your response.

  • What role does technology play in shaping design?
  • What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?


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