Ajani’s Intro

Good Evening Class,

My name is Ajani Treadwell. I am a Graphic Art Production Management major here at City Tech. Hopefully this well be my last year. I plan on becoming a Production Manager for a publication once I’m done with school. Currently, I work for a printing company as a Prepress Operator, which is what kept me occupied this past winter. Working in a printing environment has given me the technical experience needed for my career path. Once I get my degree, it should be easier to obtain a job with a major publication. I’m fairly comfortable with technology, although I must confess that I stay away from social media (I do have a Linkedin Page though).

To be honest, writing is not my strong point. Although I believe I’m extremely creative, I tend to procrastinate doing my development. However I do enjoy the freedom of expression that writing allows. The ability to visualize what the writer is expressing without seeing any pictures is a skill that great writers have. Unfortunately, this leave the writer to be criticize by the reader if the idea are not clearly understood.  Writing skills are a necessity to the communications fields like publications. I believe technical writing is about learning the proper ways to write, including appropriate language and formats regardless of the situation. I hope to learn how to develop better writing skills, so I can express myself better.

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