
Hi, I am Teresa Yeung.  My Chinese name is Wai Yee.   My dad had passed away for long time and only my mom calls me Wai Yee these days.   My co-workers, siblings and friends all call me Teresa.   I have great interests in reading news and articles of various kinds.   I want to be a great writer and stories teller to the young kids.   I had some good and some bad experience with CityTech during the last few years.   The best thing about it is that many professors of my classes in the past had been very kind, supportive and encouraging in my student and career life.  It broadened my views and I always enjoyed the process of learning.  The bad thing is that the my major’s department did not give much support or advise to part-time students like me, especially in registering classes.   I like to travel to see and experience different countries’ people and culture.  This summer, I intend to continue my studies and take a class in Summer and, if time permits, pay a brief visit to a neighboring city before the next semester begins.

I do not speak native English or write perfect English but I have genuine interest in reading, exploring facts and writing.   I believe writing skills and writing style can be developed and improved over time.   Technical writing is rather new to me.   Honestly, I initially do not feel very comfortable to write and communicate with the public – the strangers. However, I am interested in learning all the latest techniques in writing, which can help me stay connected with others, get to know each other better, and seek help whenever I need it.

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