Category: Resources (Page 2 of 2)

Peer Mentor: Meet Christina Jacques

Greetings Everyone!

This is a space for you to connect with me– your Peer Mentor, Christina Jacques Any questions you have about your first semester at City Tech can be asked here. Just click the + at the top of the screen to write ask questions. Be sure to give your post an informative Title, so that your Peer Mentor and your classmates know what you are asking about. When you are finished writing your question, select the category Peer Mentor on the right side of the screen in the Categories box. Then click Publish. You will get a reply to your post within 48 hours. Remember that everything posted here is visible to your professor and your classmates, so if your question is confidential, please email me directly instead of posting here. My email is:


Check out my Welcome post and video to get started!



Reading 1: “Tips for Online Learning Success”

As you read this article, “Tips for Online Learning Success” you will find ten tips for developing skills particular to online learning. Questions considered are:

  • How often should I log on to my online courses?
  • How do I participate?
  • What if I have problems?

Though some of the tips and skills addressed in article may seem like common sense, there is useful advice here. And, if you haven’t realized it already, many of the uncertainties that you may be feeling are shared by most new students this semester.

Important for this class: this article is the source you will respond to on our Discussion Board, so as you read, take note of which tip you respond to most. Why is it helpful? Is there advice you can add to that point?

Source URL:

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