Author: Richard Fernandez (Page 1 of 3)

Richard: Project Proposal Unit 3

What I hope to teach my audience is what COVID-19, Ā and seasonal influenza have in common, and how they are different. The audience that I am trying to reach are people that think that COVID-19 is ā€œjust the fluā€, and that we donā€™t need to take it very seriously. Iā€™mĀ thinking about writing a magazine-style article about my project. I am going toĀ read articles from magazines like the Times, and take technique notes about the articles.

The quote from my unit 2 research that inspired me the most was ā€œcontrolling an outbreak has everything to do with mitigating casualties such as economic losses, joblessness, loneliness, and even loss of human dignity at the end of life.ā€ (Petersen, Eskild, source 1) Ā This quote inspires me because it pretty much tells the reader why we need to take the COVID-19 pandemic more seriously than seasonal influenza. We need to do whatever we can to control this outbreak, keep casualties as low as possible, and get everything back to normal as soon as possible.

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