What would look like a good semester to me is getting high grades and understanding all the fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology.  Currently, this is my first time being in college which I had a smooth start however it is tough for me to manage assignments online classes and I hope by the end of December I will be able to have better time management skills while keeping a calm determined mind. if I achieve this I will feel like this semester was well spent and I can move forward in college with my new skills. In order to reach this goal, I must learn effective time management skills such as finishing assignments early or if I have too many assignments and events to attend to so I can save one assignment for later depending on the due date.  I will also breakdown class lessons step by step so that way I can study better. I learn better when I’m in the school than at home and since I don’t have college books I have to constantly spend a lot of time searching for methods on how to complete the assignments in a simpler way.