Mia: Dreams

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1 Comment

  1. Kiera U.

    1. What is the main question or discussion your peer considers in the introductory section?
    The main question in Mia’s introductory is “What Are Dreams?”. In her introduction, she talks about why she’s interested in the topic she chose and shares an example about what caused her curiosity about it.

    2. Which source entry do you find most interesting?
    The source entry that I find the most interesting is source #1. There were things talked about that I recognized and understood because I’m learning about the same things in my psychology class. One thing that really caught my attention in this entry was the quote “Because nightmares are so common among those with PTSD or who have suffered trauma, the assumption is that some memories are just too intense to be easily integrated, triggering the fear response.”, this was interesting to read about as someone who personally suffers from PTSD and reoccurring nightmares. None of these sources seem questionable to me.

    3. What does the concluding section add to the paper?
    In the conclusion, Mia reflects about everything she learned on her topic and her deepened interest in dreams.

    4. What makes this submission seem complete or incomplete?
    This submission has an introduction, 3 sources entries, and a conclusion. It’s just missing the 4th source and it will be complete.

    5. Make a comment on the title of the overall work! Does it add to what you know of the assignment? (Hint: Unit 2 Assignment is not a title.)
    The title of Mia’s annotated bibliography is ‘Dreams’. I would suggest being more specific or detailed with the title because it is a very broad term and does not tell me specifically what about dreams she’s going to talk about.

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