Maurine Dubuisson: Three source entries

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  1. fatoumata magiraga

    1. What makes this submission seem complete or incomplete? This submissions seems complete to me because Maurine has added all the information that is needed in this unit.
    Is each entry complete? I fee like this entry is complete because he put in all the good information that is needed in the entry. added what the article was about , added there opinion about it. and put in 2 quotes from the text that stood out to them.

    2. Record which source you find most interesting in the submission. the source that I found most interesting to me was the first one because the was the article was told made it stand out to me that there are lots of people out here sufferings from Bipolar disorders and that it can be seriously bad for people who have it. and for this article to explain what they can
    do to prevent bad things happening shows that people actually out of for things like this.

    3. Identify one or two transition phrases your peer uses well. You can identify more that your peer does well, but identify at least one or two phrases? One transition phrases Maurine used that I liked was in the beginning of the sentence instead of saying in this article he used ” in this academic article” and I feel like it make it more interesting to read about rather than using something that everyone uses.

  2. Anaya Massiah

    Maurine’s submission is complete because she has an analysis and description for each entry with two quotes that stood out for each.

    I found source 1 to be most interesting because it details how bipolar disorder affects the lives of those who suffer from it and their families.

    One transition I like is when Maurine says how many people suffer from bipolar disorder in the US and breaks that down into 3 out of 100.

  3. Anaya Massiah

    Maurine’s submission is complete because she has an analysis and description for each entry with two quotes that stood out for each.

    I found source 1 to be most interesting because it details how bipolar disorder affects the lives of those who suffer from it and their families.

    One transition I like is when Maurine says how many people suffer from bipolar disorder in the US and breaks that down into 3 out of 100.

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