Control Based On Brain-Computer Interface Technology For Video-Gaming With Virtual Reality Techniques

Paszkiel, Szczepati. “Control Based on Brain-Computer Interface Technology for Video-Gaming with Virtual Reality Techniques.” Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems, vol. 10, no. 4, Oct. 2016, pp. 3–7. EBSCOhost, doi:10.14313/JAMRIS_4-2016/26.

It is worth noting that neurogaming is currently widely used treating mental disorders such as at tension deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Post -traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD). Increased Interest in neurogaming in the world has resulted organization of periodic conference held in San Francisco , USA, where the topics related to the ones mentioned above are discussed. Neurogaming, ust as other practical applications of the brain- computer in terrace technology , raises ethical controversies . There are dilemmas concerning potential gaining / taking control over human mind by a machine or an individual [ 9. However , in the perspective of brain fitness , it becomes a promising tool which was confirmed by tests conducted for the purposes of this paper. Actually there are many practical implemental of technology based on augmented reality among other things in the entertainment industry for the construction of urban games . BCI technology , which develop rapidly for several years , are an excel lent example of a technology that is in line with the virtual reality . This technology may be an interesting tool among other things for the implementation of control processes including avatars . Controlling by means of the human mind without the use of evoked potentials is difficult in terms of implementations in everyday conditions as evidenced by the author’s studies .

In practice it is easier to control the output of evoked potential and thus the accuracy is higher. In the BCI technology the classification takes longer time , so the game is slower.  I believe that this claim is legitimate because Szczepati has evidence to back up is claim and that this technology could help everyone. I have questions. can this also help people that have brain damage? Will this change everything in the future in a positive way? And will everyone enjoy this technology? There is one thing I don’t understand and it’s what are all the requirements for this to become a reality. I will look up other technologies that are either better than this technology or roughly the game that would benefit each other. There could also be others that have been trying to make this into a reality longer which have more experiences. If I could say something to Szczepati it would be that he is doing a excellent job going in depth is thinking and that he’s putting in a lot of information to answer people’s question’s. This document is telling me that their is a lot of work to do, more than I thought you had to do to make this a reality. Szczepati puts knowledge and understanding in this document for people to be interested in.

Two quotes from this article that I think are important are:

From the practical perspective, virtual reality can be defined as a combination of special equipment and software .”

Software solutions play a role of supporting hardware accelerators in scope of transforming environment into image, which implies large amount of mathematical computations.”


1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Sears

    Thank you for uploading this Source Entry to the OpenLab! This entry is very well done. I made a couple of phrases in bold so that other students can use this as a model post.

    Prof. Sears

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