Because this is a two-part assignment, I’m sending out more information for submitting Part 1 and Part 2 of your Unit 3 Assignment: Exploring a New Genre, which is due tomorrow:

PART 1: The Project (due on the OpenLab on Dec. 1)

Everyone should make a post on the OpenLab. I  prefer that you title your post with your name this way: John Smith: Unit 3 Assignment. Below are uploading explanations for the different genres being explored. You are doing only one of the following:

PART 2: The Artist’s Statement (due on Blackboard on Dec. 1)

As was described in this post, Unit 3: Artist’s Statement Guidelines, you are writing a reflective Artist’s Statement about  you experience of writing in a new genre. This should be about one page long and should answer the three questions provided in the guidelines. The link is live on Blackboard in the Assignments folder:  Unit 3, Part 2: Artist’s Statement.

Grading Procedure:

  • I will put the overall grade for both projects on the Artist’s Statement on Blackboard.
  • Grading guidelines are on the Unit 3 Assignment and on the Grading Rubric on Blackboard.
  • Do  not put both items on Blackboard. We are going to use the projects in class and your peers need to be able to see them.