This is just more information for those doing this option for the Unit 3 Assignment, which is due by or before our class on Dec. 1.

Here are resources that are posted on our assignment page, but in answering questions, I wanted to post this separately.

When you submit your podcast or TedTalk, you can create a video on YouTube, Vimeo, or Soundcloud, and post a link on the OpenLab.

YouTube Studio is the source I use to make course videos, and I do recommend that for technical ease. I record a session with myself on the free ZOOM app then upload the recording to YouTube, using YouTube Studio.

Many of you are far more tech savvy than me! But this is a tip for those who haven’t used these materials before.

Here are resources for Podcasting:

Making a Podcast that Matters:

Free sound effects for pod casts:

Here are resources for making TedTalks style videos;

Here are Resources for Making a “TedTalk” Style Video:

TedTalks about Making a TedTalk:

How to Tedx: How to Give a Great TedX Talk This short (less than 4 min) talk offers tips such as:

  • provide the listener with a core idea,
  • Explain why you are the right person for this talk
  • think about three main points and stories that might go with them
  • try to shape your talk as a call to action

June Cohen: What Makes a Great TedTalk  (14:00 min) This video goes into more depth,  offering examples and tips such as:

  • offer something new. This might be an interesting topic or a fresh angle on a familiar topic. Think local. Your personal perspective is often what makes an idea fresh
  • What can make your idea “stick”? What is urgent about your story?
  • Tell a story. Don’t just relay facts.
  • Start with a hook. (But avoid lame jokes.)
  • Practice! This goes for all writing, of course. Read out loud, always.

Screencasting/video recording:

  • Screencast-o-matic is free if you want to do screen capture videos from your laptop. Word of warning: if you really want to do some close editing work, it will cost, but for the basics, it’s fine. You can upload the resulting video to YouTube. A lot of faculty use it.
  • YouTube Studio will give you lots of tutorials about how to create videos.