These are my least favorite posts to write, but I do want to make sure everyone is aware of the grading breakdown as we enter the last weeks of this fall semester. As has been indicated on the ENG 1101 Course Syllabus all along, your ENG 1101 Grade will be determined by the following grade breakdown:

  • Unit 1 Assignment, Educational Narrative: 10%
  • Unit 2 Assignment, Annotated Bibliography: 20%
  • Unit 3 Assignment, Exploring a New Genre: 20%
  • Final Portfolio Reflection: (forthcoming during finals week) 10%
  • Homework and Participation Activities: 40%

On Blackboard Grade Center, you can see the grades for Unit 1 and Unit 2. Unit 3 grade will be posted after Dec. 1 projects come in. The current Homework and Participation Activities are in Grade Center under Attendance. You will have a chance to revise Unit 1 and Unit 2 Assignments and also Unit 3 if you get the work in on time. For those who want a flashback of this information, here is a video presentation on the syllabus I made the first week of the semester, which appeared on our Session 2 To-Do List.