Julio Falero: Project Proposal Unit 3

The value of technology and that it could make the future brighter or that it could create chaos in the future is what I want to teach my audience. And I also want to teach them that in the near future, there will be more good than evil. The audience I personally search for is the ones who will one day lead us to redemption through individuals through technology. The category I’m choosing is papers from magazines to collect notes with special techniques. I want to create a magazine because I feel like there are a lot of people who normally read things. And magazines typically draw the interest of the viewer.

The quote from my unit 2 research that inspired me the most was, Paszkiel, Szczepati beleieved that “Software solutions play a role of supporting hardware accelerators in the scope of transforming the environment into the image, which implies a large amount of mathematical computations.” This motivated me because working together to create something amazing that could revolutionize everyone in the world is kind of like a metaphor for people. The source I got my quote from is Paszkiel, Szczepati. “Control Based on Brain-Computer Interface Technology for VideoGaming
with Virtual Reality Techniques.” Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent
Systems, vol. 10, no. 4, Oct. 2016, pp. 3–7. EBSCOhost, DOI:10.14313/JAMRIS_4-2016/26.


  1. Jerome Brand

    1. The genre that Mr. Falero is planning to research is magazine articles for Unit 3.
    2. The audience that he plans to convey his message to is the “ones who will one day lead us to redemption through individuals through technology” what I think he means by this is the innovators and inventors of tomorrow.
    3. The message Julio wishes to convey is that great positive change is possible through Technology
    4. The quote that really inspired Julio was something a little complicated if I’m being truthful is Software solutions can accelerate the development of hardware that transforms an environment into a image and requires large mathematical equations. I believe this is referring to virtual technology and I think it gives much more incentive for him to continue research. A topic on how tech can brighten our future is a topic worth researching.

  2. Jennifer Sears

    Julio, this is an interesting project and your partner offered you some good reflections. As you think about writing a magazine article, you might think more specifically about which magazine would be appropriate for your material. Would write an article for programmers who already know about this information or for the general public, such as an article for the Technology section of the New York Times? Let me know if you have further questions.

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