Fatoumata: project unit 3

what I hope to teach my audience is what covid-19 has done and the vaccination the trying to get to save people lives. I want them to know how and when they would work harder to find a vaccination that can cure people respiratory system. and what people are doing to keep the united states safe so the virus can slow down. we need to everyone around the world that corona isn’t a joke and that everyone need to be more cautious of it. and be more serious about the fact that people are dying because they take this virus as a joke.  I want to write something like a  newspaper, and take good notes about the article.


the quotes from unit 2 research that really stood out to me the most was “Vaccines help us go to school, help us travel to learn about other places and cultures and appreciate each other and help us see our grandparents. Vaccines help keep us together”(source 3). this quote inspire me because it is telling everyone that if take better action towards this virus than everyone would be more safe. and the united states can go back to normal. kids and parents would be able to go back to there regular schedule’s and wont have to worry about getting sick. 


  1. Richard Fernandez

    1. What genre is your partner going to explore in Unit 3?

    Fatoumata is going to be writing a newspaper-like article about her topic.

    2. Who is the audience being targeted?

    Fatoumata says that there audience is everyone, but everyone is too broad of an audience. I believe that an appropriate audience for Fatoumata’s work could be people who are very scared of COVID-19, and want to know how progress on a cure or vaccine for the virus is going, and what is currently being done to slow down its spread.

    3. What message is your partner trying to convey?

    Fatoumata is trying to tell people about how bad COVID-19 can be, and that we should be taking the virus more seriously. She is also trying to let other people know about what is being done to slow down the spread of the virus, and the progress that has been made towards a vaccine for the aforementioned virus.

    4. Respond to the quotation that your partner highlighted.

    The quote is basically trying to tell us how great vaccines are. It relates to the overall project by telling the audience why the development of vaccines is important, and what a benefit to society a vaccine for COVID-19 will be.

  2. Jennifer Sears

    Your partner Richard gave you very astute comments! I do want to add that a magazine article sounds like a great format for the research you’ve done. You might want to think about a specific magazine to think more clearly about audience. An article for a magazine like TeenVogue will have a very different tone than one for Time magazine or the New York Times magazine. Let me know if you have questions. This is good material!

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