Eric: What makes Covid-19 so different

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1 Comment

  1. Richard Fernandez

    1. What is the main question or discussion your peer considers in the introductory section?

    The main questions that my peer asks is how does the COVID-19 virus work, and why is it resistant to the medicine that we already have.

    2. Which source entry do you find most interesting?

    I find source three to be the most interesting. I like that the source tells you how soap destroy s COVID-19, and that water temperature actually doesn’t matter. All the sources look good to me. None of them seem questionable for inclusion in a college essay.

    3. What does the concluding section add to the paper?

    My peer says that COVID-19 may have come from bats, and that the virus is closely related to SARS, but that doesn’t mean it evolved from it. We are still learning more about the virus as it runs rampant in the world.

    4. What makes this submission seem complete or incomplete?

    This submission seems incomplete to me. The introduction, and conclusion, are too brief, and one more source is needed for my peer to have four sources in his bibliography.

    5. Make a comment on the title of the overall work! Does it add to what you know of the assignment?

    This work does not have a title.

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