Lubna Chowdhury

English 1011


Prof: Jenifer Sears

               The effects of social media on public opinion towards politics.

Thesis: The influence of users in social media and the mass spread of “memes” are very influential to political decision.

Kushin, Matthew J, and Masahiro Yamamoto. “Did Social Media Really Matter? College Students’ Use of Online Media and Political Decision Making in the 2008 Election.” Mass Communication & Society. 13.5 (2010). Print.


This source describes the change during the 2006-2008 election seasons to social media influence. It also describes how social media is largely influencing the young population on political ideals. The purpose of this article was to look at college students’ use of social media and their tendencies on the subject of politics to know the impact of social media on politics. The author says “Nearly all major candidates used social media during the 2008 campaign” when the author says this he is telling me that social media definitely had an effect on the 2008 campaign. “Persons younger than 30 led the way, many of whom used the internet to exchange political opinions and post their own political commentary”. I would agree with the author here. I often see my friends talking about politics on social media and there is significant influence shown by people on the internet. This will further my argument by showing how social media is influential to the public’s opinion of politics from person to person. This source has a ton of information on political interaction through social media and it will be a great source to use on my research paper.

Gulati, G.J, and C.B Williams. “Social Media and Campaign 2012: Developments and Trends for Facebook Adoption.” Social Science Computer Review. 31.5 (2013): 577-588. Print.


This source shows how the 2010 election participants were heavily armed with social media and the internet. “By the 2010 midterm elections, 92% of the major party candidates for the U.S. House had created a campaign website and over three fourths of the candidates had adopted the larger social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube” this quote directly supports my thesis statement and I can use this source with the first source to show the differences in the 2006-2008 elections to the 2010 elections. With social media growing exponentially since the beginning of the twenty first century this may show a trend that we are advancing towards more and more social media political involvement. “An initial review of our data reveals that nearly every candidate running for the Senate, 64 of the 66 (97%), adopted a Facebook page for 2012.” This quote already shows the increase from 92% of candidates having a social media page to 97% of the candidates, all except for two, are using social media.


Gil de ZĂșñiga, H., Jung, N. and Valenzuela, S., Social Media Use for News and Individuals’ Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Political Participation. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, April 2012 Ch.17: 319–336


This source talks about specific “civil engagements” through social media and its impact on political decision. “In 2006 thousands of American students used their Myspace profiles to organize national marches for immigration reform.” This is a strong specific example of how people used social media to organize political reform on the laws of immigration between America and Canada. “Informational use of SNS (social network sites) exerted a signiïŹcant and positive impact on individuals’ activities aimed at engaging in civic and political action.” This quote shows that social media is making a positive effect on political engagement. Although I may disagree with this quote. I think that social media negatively effects political action because of blasphemous information on the internet through social media services.


Shifman, Limor. “Memes in a Digital World: Reconciling with a Conceptual Troublemaker.”Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 18.3 (2013): 362-377. Print.


This source talks about the origin of memes and the psychological effects they have on people. “They shape the mindsets, forms of behavior, and actions of social groups.” Speaking of memes in this quote, the author directly supports my topic and I believe this source will be very helpful to understand the effects of memes on the public which can could melt together with tendencies of the public on political opinion. I really agree with the author of this article and I think it is a very credible source. In this source they use a meme about Brittney Spears called “Leave Brittney Alone” and they show how memes spread through the public easily through the means of the internet.

Policital Memes, “Democrats in the Midwest! Credit: leahebae” (March 11, 2014)

Facebook, although with its obvious flaws in credibility on the surface, can prove to be a very reliable source for visual evidence for this topic. For example the meme at the bottom of the bibliography shows a politician with a caption that reads “Wow! Cold” “It was so cold this morning, I actually saw a democrat with his hands in his own pockets.” This was a largely shared meme on Facebook motivated by the current political warfare between republicans and democrats. Although the memes are quite funny usually, they are typically offensive to a certain group of people. I think memes like this are directed towards a certain parties or groups and are one of the largest influences to people on social media.