As discussed in  previous posts,  your Unit 2 Annotated Bibliography  will have a concluding section that comes after the Source Entries you are reviewing this week.

Here is the description of the Concluding Section from  from Annotated Bibliography assignment page:

Concluding Section

Your concluding section will be at least 400 words. In this section:

  1. You will summarize what you learned about your research topic or question after doing this research
  2. You will tell readers what surprised you during the research process or how your understanding of your question deepened or changed.
    • Did you change your mind about this topic? Why?
    • Did you learn something new you will be able to describe or explore in the project you will write for Unit 3?
  3. You will explain why what you learned is important
    • It is important. You wouldn’t have researched the topic if it isn’t. Buy tell the reader what makes this discovery important for you.
  4. You will explain who you think needs to know about it and why
    • Be specific!  The answer can’t  be “everyone.”  If answering this question seems difficult,  narrow your audience down to who needs or might want to hear the information first.

Pro Tip: Starting the Concluding Section

How is this section different from the Introductory Section?

One way I recommend approaching the Concluding Section is to consider  how it is different from the introductory section.  The intro is your “before.” The concluding section is your “after.” In the introductory section, you considered how you got interested in the subject before your research. In the concluding section, you consider where your interest might go next in your upcoming Unit 3 research paper or project.

If you need a refesher, here is a video presentation on the full assignment: Video Presentation: Overview of Unit 2 Assignment