Eric: Three Source Entries

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  1. Mia Genoves

    -This submission is almost complete because he has the correct bibliographic citation, a one-paragraph summary, and quotes from the text. But the reflection paragraph is missing.
    Record which source you find most interesting in the submission.
    -The source I found that was most interesting to me was source entry 1. He stated “The drugs they use to somewhat treat covid-19 used in Russia and China are called Arbidol. It is an antiviral medicine it doesn’t work that well only helps weakening the symptoms only a little bit it’s not an effective way of treating the virus but it’s better than nothing. I thought this was very interesting because I never knew about a drug called Arbidol.
    Identify one or two transition phrases your peer uses well.
    – I didn’t see any transition phrases.

    • Akmal Khudaybakhshiev

      This is submission had been wrote very well. In addition in the submission a lot of examples and explanations to understand the main idea.
      There are a lot of good ideas which clear and interesting.
      Record which you find most interesting and it tells our current event, so it will be helpful to know new informations.

      The source I found is about protecting from virus just washing our hand during 20 seconds and using mask. In addition there is information about virus which came from bats.

      There are only couple of transaction phrases, so try use more transaction phrases to give more clear the ideas.

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