As you continue to work on the assignment for Unit 2, your Annotated Bibliography, keep in mind you are not writing an essay right now. If you need to review:

What we are doing right now are the source entries, a quick link to the Source Entry section of the assignment is here.

Here is a break down of the Source Entries appears in the full  Unit 2 Assignment linked above in this post:


Instructions for Each Source Entry

Each of your four source entries, will have four parts:

Part 1:

The first part of your entry will be the “bibliographic entry.” This entry gives the publication information, author, date, title and so forth. There are many websites (like that can help you do this.  Here is one example:  

Fitzgerald, Jill. “Research on Revision in Writing” Review of Educational Research. 57.4 (Winter 1987): 481-506. 

Part 2: 

In the second part of your entry, you will write a summary.  This summary should convey what the author states in the article and not your opinions. Here is a good time to write what you think the main point is, but also what you think the most important points are (these aren’t always the same.) It’s also a good time to make note of what data, facts and evidence the author uses to support their claims, and how they use this evidence to arrive at their conclusions. This will probably be a paragraph long. 

Part 3:

In the third part of your entry, you will write a reflection.  This is where you respond to the text you’ve read.  This part is perhaps the most important part, so don’t skimp here! Do you believe the claim or arguments made in the source are legitimate? Why or why not? Be specific. What questions do you have? What don’t you understand? What other information might you look up to better understand this article? If you could say something to this author, what would you say? What does this document tell you about your research question? 

Also consider rhetorical factors here like the genre and the author’s credentials. How do you feel the author’s writing style, awareness of audience,  purpose (reason for writing), and choice of genre affect the meaning and credibility of the document? 

Part three alone can  be 1-2 paragraphs. 

Part 4:

Quotables. This last part doesn’t count toward your word count, but it will help you in Unit 3.  Here, you will make note of at least one direct quote from the author made that you feel really exemplifies the document’s claims or interpretations. You might want to choose a sentence that you agree with or disagree with that you want to refer back to later. You don’t need to repeat something you’ve quoted earlier– this is just a place to take note of quotations you feel you may want to use later. 

Put the quotes in quote marks  and don’t forget the page number (if applicable).  You must keep track of your ideas and your author’s ideas to avoid accidental plagiarism.