Racial Injustice In Housing In New York City.

Wackstein, Nancy. “High Rents Supplant Racism in Segregating Neighborhoods .” EBSCOhost,web.b.ebscohost.com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=12&sid=5ad7d762-565c-44fa-8fba-402719f389bf%40pdc-v-sessmgr05&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=9766792&db=a9h.

  Access to housing remains unequal in New york city for over two decades. People of color have troubles finding affordable housing while living in unsafe areas in the city. For decades people of color have been put in poor living conditions. There is also a major disparity between the amount of money that people could afford to spend on housing. Data shows that white’s have better income than hispanics and blacks and they live in better  areas. Racism is still an unfortunate problem we still deal with today.

I believe the author’s claims are legitimate because the author provides evidence on how people of color have always faced injustice and proves how the color of your skin tone can provide different privileges. I also do have my own question about this injustice. What are ways that there can be a more affordable and clean environment for everyone to live in? I don’t understand why the mayor and any government official’s won’t make a bigger change. Change can make people feel equal and feel comfortable in their own home and help provide better care for their families. To look for better information I will look up how to give families with lower income a better lifestyle. One thing I would say to the author is how can we use our voices to help address this problem that the city has been facing for years. This document helps prove and addresses the issue with housing that our city is facing and that no one has made one big change. The author , Nancy Wackstein show’s her perspective into the situation to help readers have a better and personal understanding of the situation.

Two quotes from Article that are important :

“The report concluded that New York City is one of the most racially segregated metropolitan areas in the nation.”

“There is also a major disparity between the amounts of money that people can afford to spend on housing. The median household income of whites in New York City is $50,730. That number is much lower for Hispanics and Blacks — only $27,757 and $31,058 respectively. This huge economic gap severely limits what people can afford to spend and rent, and as a result, where people can afford to live.”



  1. Jennifer Sears

    Thank you for submitting this source entry for the Annotated Bibliography assignment. The parts are all here: citation, one paragraph summary, one paragraph response and then two quotes with brief analysis. Try to add a bit more length, either in the summary or your response to the summary. Each source entry should be around 400 words without the quotation section. Develop and use this for one of your three source entries for the Peer Review assignment on Thursday.

    • Anonymous

      Hello professor, Thank you for your feedback. Each source entry needs 400 words? If so sorry about that I got confused and thought you meant the whole project has to be 400 words. I will definitely work on it.

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