
You should have all received personal comments from me regarding the research topic you are considering for your ENG 1101 research essay. There are lots of good ideas floating out there! I look forward to reading more. You and your peers are tackling issues such as:  the long-term effects of video game use; challenges of teaching and being a student in this online learning environment; policing policies; racial injustice and economics and job opportunities; artistic inspiration and music writing; architectural ideas; nursing during COVID-19; long-term effects of child abuse; mental health and social media use; mental illness and genetic traits; and…..much more!

On the emails I sent you, I also provided a link to quickly scroll down and find Academic Search Complete. Please remember you have to log on using your CUNY ID without the extra login address. This is the same login you use for Blackboard.

For example, if your login is ordinarily:
You would log into the library using:

For those who want a very strong example of the Participation Activity for Session 14, please use this one by your ENG 1101-LC09 classmate Julio Falero as a model. I’ve bolded a few key phrases for you to see how Julio transitioned from one section to the next .Remember, you must provide the article information, provide a summary of the article, your analysis of the article, one or two key quotes that you think are important and an explanation of why this is important:



Excellent work, Julio!

Lastly, if you are one of those few who did not fill out a Know-Want-Learn Research Exercise….you still can. Yes, you are behind, but catch up now! This is an ongoing exercise that will build into the assignments for both Unit 2 and Unit 3. Link here and complete the Know-Want-Learn Form:


Write on, everyone….