For today’s Session 11, we will go into more depth about your assignment Unit 2. This may seem like a lot of information at once! Remember we are beginning a new unit, so give yourself time to absorb the new information.

For today’s session:

  1. Watch: Video Presentation on the Unit 2 Assignment
  2. Read: Assignment for Unit 2 A Reflective Annotated Bibliography
  3. Read: Readings on Research as Discovery
  4. Complete: the Participation Activity on the Discussion Board using the instructions below on this To-Do List.
  5. Those of you who have not submitted your Education Narrative can still do so until Thursday. Narratives  received this week will lose points for being late, but this is better than not turning in an essay at all. You will ALL have a chance to turn in your revisions of this essay (which will be considered for a higher grade) when you turn in the Final Portfolio in December.

Participation Activity

Discussion Board Title: Reflecting on Your Research Experience

(Due any time before 10 am on Thursday, Oct. 8 for attendance credit)

On the class Discussion Board, write about your previous research experience. You may feel you have a lot of experience. You may feel like you may not have much experience. Either way, you will start where you are now.

Answer in two parts:

  1. What research assignments did you like in the past? What made you excited about them? What subject was it in? Where did you find your information? Did your teachers ask you to start with a thesis statement?  Because we are starting the process now, what do you remember about starting your previous research projects? Then, mention what you are thinking about researching now. As discussed last week, this can be a new topic inspired by our readings (maybe you want to know more about an author we’ve read or a topic we’ve explored) or topics you’ve considered in the past.
  2. Respond to the person who goes right before you on the discussion board. What is one question you might have about their research topic? This will be helpful for them because you might have a question they have not considered. (Many of you participated beautifully in Peer Review. This is where we interact as a class in our asynchronous section.)

Each paragraph can be around 4-5 sentences….though you can certainly write more and many of you are!

  1. Use the link above or go to the discussion board here:

Questions about something on our TO-DO List? Email me anytime at: 

We can also meet online for office hours on Zoom.
Office hours are:

11-noon on Tuesdays and 11:45 am-12:45 pm on Thursdays