Alexandra: Education Narrative

Alexandra Hipolito



Jennifer Sears

 Life Long Process

“Good grades doesn’t make you a good person”.  I am always admired with this line of my parents .-When I was 14 years old my parents decided to migrate  in New York. I was excited that time looking forward to experience new things with new environment.

I had a great childhood experienced since my parents don’t pressure us to have high grades or compete in school. Education is what I can make my parents proud. I want to make them proud by finishing school and get a good job and fulfill my goals.  Coming in the US was a big adjustment not only for me but to us. I could only speak a little bit of English but I could understand the language. It was hard for me because of the language barrier. But it didn’t stop me from learning. I believe that learning is the first step to succeed. At that age I was freshman student. The first high school that I went to was little bit hard for me to through. I was shocked that it was very different back in my country the education system was way different from there. However my adviser was the one who helped me to adjust and help me in needed. In my second year in high school I transferred to another school where i graduated from. I was comfortable in my the new environment that i was in to. I made friends, joined clubs, joined different kinds of activities and made family.  All throughout my high school journey was not easy. I am still a learner and needed guidance and help. Based on my experience in high school there was a time that I give up and not continue my work but i think of my parents I want to pay all their hard works they do for us.

In my last year of high school I and all of us didn’t expect that a pandemic was going to happen. Corona Virus happened and unfortunately we had to stay home and still continue learning with the help of technology. We had to go through remote learning which is very new for us. I struggle to manage time and to do schoolworks. I was overwhelmed of what’s happening. It was very challenging to all of us to live like that. Moving forward as the days went buy graduation was near. i really did not expect that i will be graduating virtual. But I understand that this time is very difficult and hard to all us. Even though this is the new normal I want to be able to finish my college and get that degree and continue life.

To summarize i want to be able to succeed and expand my learnings and make my parents and family proud. Even through the hardships i will still continue and learn. Good grades are good but from my experience i do not have to compete myself as long as  i did my best

1 Comment

  1. Delwin Padilla

    Alexandra’s story was very intriguing and interesting. She discussed about her adjustments coming to the US and the language barrier she overcame. Alexandra also mentioned that although this journey wasn’t easy she was always willing to learn and that’s what helped her become who she currently is.

    A section that brought attention to my eyes was when she said that succeeding and accomplishing her goals is what will make her parents proud because I can relate. I also said something along these lines in my story which is why this section in her story was very intriguing.

    One question I have for Alexandra is if it weren’t for making her parents proud, would she still have taken the route to be successful and as determined as she is?

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