I’m reading the impressive posts written on today’s discussion board. There are important stories here about learning and reflections on the essays you read for the last session by Jose Olivarez and Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz. Class….I admit I’d like to see more of you on this discussion board at this hour, but those who have posted are doing great work here! Remember the material you explore here can be integrated in the upcoming essay you’ll write (lots more on that tomorrow).

Lensky writes about learning about the importance of education from his mother and also finding a sense of power in basketball. Richard writes about the importance of family and having good teachers. Fatoumata writes about how her desire to become a neonatal nurse inspired her to work hard throughout her earlier years and also about the support of her family. Julio writes about how his parents encouraged him to go beyond their own education and their support helped him get here. (Being the first in your family to get a college degree is a major accomplishment!) Mia also writes about this inspiration and how her parents pushed her to excel. She is the first female in her family to graduate high school (Mia, this is important to recognize and remember!). She also had the help of good teachers in school. Yaritza writes about family and how they inspired her to do well and now she is the one providing inspiration for her younger cousins.

You can still post on our Discussion Board and receive attendance credit for Session 5 as long as you post before 10 am. See the TO-DO List for the Participation Activity and the Discussion Board link.