For today’s session, you will read two short essays that are great reads and also give excellent examples of ways to approach the educational narrative or educational autobiography.

First, read these two posts and the materials linked to them:

Note: On Tuesday, you will get more information about the first essay you will be writing for this class. Keep the notes you are taking on these essays and the writing and brainstorming  you are creating for our discussion boards, so that you can draw on them for this essay.


Participation Activity

(Due before 10 am Tuesday, Sept. 15)

Discussion Board Title:  One Story about My Education

Discussion Board Task: Your post on this thread will have two parts.

  1. In your first paragraph, consider the ideas discussed in today’s readings by Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz and/or José Olivarez and reflect on your own educational history. What stories do you have? Tell one!  You might write, as Sealey-Ruiz does, about how the educational choices made by parents or siblings encouraged or put pressure on you to do well and/or a specific event in which you realized the education you received did or did not support you. You can also write about a time you did well at something and how that was received by your family and teachers. You might write, as Olivarez–who took it upon himself to use education as power and writing as a way to take ownership of his experience–about a time you found your own “voice” in your educational environment or a time you might have felt your voice was threatened or even taken away.
  2. In a second  paragraph, respond to the person who writes on the discussion board before you. Pick a specific line the person wrote that stands out to you and explain why it stands out.

Remember to post before 10 am on Tuesday, Sept. 15! Use the link above or this URL:


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