One of the biggest satisfactions I’d say I’d like to see throughout the 1st semester is growth.  Being successful for me doesn’t mean to start at the top and end at the top but instead to start from the bottom and progressively build your way up to the top. I wish I can say that by December I’ll have accounting mastered but that isn’t likely to happen. By December how I will Identify if I’m a successful student is by knowing I learned something new about what I enjoy. This also applies to the next question which is what will give me a sense of purpose of your first semester in college. I will definitely feel purposeful knowing that I’m growing as a student and a person. Some actions I have taken recently to fulfill my purpose is to figure out a time management regime, this I consider a big step forward because I know it can be difficult to manage time so by doing this it allows time for work, gym, family and most importantly school. One of the challenges I’m facing is Virtually learning, everyone has their own preference when It comes to learning and for me personally its more difficult for me to finish things virtually because of all the different websites and links I have to navigate through. The image I used isn’t of me but I feel like it can represent me and also some of my fellow colleagues as well. For instance, as I said in the beginning of this project, we all start from somewhere, wherever that somewhere may be, we are all trying to progress and become a better version of ourselves .